High School vs. College: A Comparison of What to Expect Part I: General Overview
High SchoolCollege A high school education is free. A college education is expensive. Students and/or their parents may go into debt to finance it.
High SchoolCollege High school is mandatory. Students can be forced to attend until a certain age. College is voluntary. Students choose to attend.
High SchoolCollege Graduation requirements are similar for all students. Students are not responsible for knowing what classes to take. Graduation requirements are complex and differ by year of entry and major. Students are responsible for knowing and meeting the requirements.
High SchoolCollege High school is a teaching environment. Teachers are responsible for making sure students learn the facts and skills they are teaching. College is a learning environment. Students are responsible for making sure they understand the ideas the professors are presenting.
High SchoolCollege Accommodations granted by a student’s IEP are designed to ensure their success in class. Accommodations granted by Disability Support Services are designed to ensure that a student has equal access to a college education, but do not guarantee their success.
High SchoolCollege Cheating or plagiarism may be relatively common and viewed as “not a big deal.” Consequences for academic dishonesty are usually minor. Professors and administrators take academic dishonesty very seriously. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing may fail the assignment and the course, or face consequences such as probation, suspension, or expulsion.
High SchoolCollege Students are usually told what to do, monitored to ensure that they do it, and given frequent feedback on their performance. Students are expected to take responsibility for finding out what to do and how to do it, accomplishing the tasks, and accepting the consequences of their decisions.
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