Waste Terms Waste Reduction Landfills Hazardous Waste Materials Economy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
What is surface impoundment?
A pond that has a sealed bottom
What is source reduction?
Any change in design, manufacture, purchase or use of materials to reduce their amount of toxicity before becoming a solid waste
What is the term for materials broken down by natural biological processes?
A dark, brown, crumbly material made from decomposed plant matter
The process of removing renewable and non-renewable resources from the Earth
Most of our trash is made up of this recyclable product.
Paper Grass clippings/leaves
Throwing your unwanted/ unfinished food into this helps the environment.
This plant has been used to monitor air pollution
By planting one tree, this many pounds of carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere annually
29 pounds
The percentage of waste in landfills that could be recycled
What is Leachate?
Water than come in contact with garbage
Where is the GARBAGE ISLAND located?
West Pacific Gyre
What was used to help clean up the BP Oil Spill?
Bio- remediation
What type of gas is formed from decaying landfills?
1% of U.S. landfills are filled with this item, which takes 500 years to decompose.
Disposable Diapers
Name a Household Hazardous waste
Paint, gas, air freshener cleaners of any kind
Name two characteristics of a hazardous waste.
Toxic chemicals, poisonous, flammable, And Not recyclable
Where are most hazardous wastes placed?
In a landfill
Suppose someone dumped left over motor oil on a driveway. What does it contaminate?
Air, ground water, soil
What is the primary concern of mishandled hazardous waste?
It can make people sick
What are the five parts of the Materials Economy?
Extraction, Production, Distribution, Consumption, Disposal
What is the Golden Arrow of Consumption?
To Shop
What is perceived obsolesce?
Marketing to make you want to purchase things you really don’t need---You suck if you don’t have it
What is planned obsolesce?
Designed for the Dump
What is a disadvantage of incinerating waste?
Toxins in then toxins out in air
What does NIMBY stand for?
Not In My Backyard!