XEUS: X-ray photoionized plasma diagnostics modelling for XEUS Th. Boller MPE Garching He-like triplet simulations The NGC 6240 case Observations of obscured Seyfert galaxies
He-like triplet simulations: The Mrk 110 case 90% erros at rest frame XMM-Newton observation of the bright NLS1 Mrk 110 redshifted (z=0.023) and broad (13 eV) emission hump above the 3 limit with respect to the He-like O VII line ratios for the resonance (r), intercombination (i) and forbidden lines (f). first detection by Ogle 2004 in NGC 4051, but not redshifted also detected by E. Costantini 2005 in Mrk 279, but not redshifted
The onset of GR effects on emission lines in Mrk 110 From the Newtonian to the Einsteinian regime GR Doppler factor Hard X-rays: Fe K R G = 10, g = 0.849, z = 0.18, GR effect=15 % relative flux Soft X-rays: O VII R G = 40, g = 0.975, z = 0.03, GR effect = 4% relative flux Optical: R G = 700, g = 0.998, GR effect = 0.2%, z=0.002 relative flux
GR as a function of the distance to the central black hole K region OVII prediction!!! HeI 5876 HH HH predicts the distance of soft X-ray lines to the central BH soft X-ray lines fill gap between GR in the Optical and HE band HeII 4686
Baseline models pure GR effects or GR + bulk infall motions GR Doppler factor relative flux g = DPR = 1.4 GR redshift + radial infall - significant difference between in DPR for pure GR (2.5) and GR+infall (1.4) - g from theoretical line profile consistent with g calculated from the observed redshift The DPR is the critical discriminator and can be tested with better statistics A 30 ks XEUS observation can disentangle between both scenarios GR Doppler factor g = DPR = 2.5 Pure GR redshift
100 ks XEUS NFI OVII simulations based on XMM-Newton data Energy [keV] fi r -1 keV -1 Counts s -1 keV -1 ratio O VII z = 0 f i r z= 0.2z = 0.4 f i r z = 0.8 f i r Even for the brightest galaxies the temperature und density determination can only be predicted for the local universe. Simulations very uncertain. A factor of about 10 longer XMM-Newton observations are required to constrain the T and element abundances as well as other He-like triptles, e.g. C V, Ne IX, N VI, Mg XI, and SIX III. The final He-triplet accuracy measurements will be done with XEUS.
Accuracy determination based on XMM-Newton data relative error [%] Relative errors for the r, f, and i lines as a function of z. Only the R value is constrained in the rest frame.
90% errors at rest frame only the R value is constrained in the rest frame the electron density is (3-8) cm -3, following Porquet and Dubau 2000 The G value (temperature) remains unconstrained R value determination
The NGC 6240 case XMM-Newton spectrum of NGC 6240 three plasma temperatures (0.6, 1.2, 5.6 keV) are constrained with a relative error of about 5% the element abundances remain unconstrained 100 ks XEUS WFI simulations at z=1 and z=2. the temperatures are constrained by about 3% at z=2. in the rest frame the element abundances are constrained for He, O, Ne, Mg, and Si at z=1 only O, Ne, Mg, and Si are constrained by about 10% at z=2 the element abundances remain unconstrained rest frame z = 1 z = 2
Temperature and abundance determination the three temperatures are constrained by about 3% at z=2. at z=2 the element abundances remain unconstrained
The following plots demonstrate that in the case of an obscured Seyfert galaxy the determination of element abundances are very uncertain based on the XMM-Newton statistics. XMM-Newton z= ks XEUS NFI z= ks XEUS NFI relative error element Observations of obscured Seyfert galaxies The Mrk 273 case
Summary To demonstrate the XEUS capabilities for determining the properties of X-ray photoionized plasma parameters in AGN, detailed WFI and NFI simulation have been performed. One of the most important and challenging goals of XEUS is to precisely measure the plasma temperatures, element abundances as well as Broad-Line Region temperatures and densities from He-like triplets. It is demonstrated that even for the brightest objects some parameters remain unconstrained in the simulations. About a factor of 10 longer XMM-Newton observations are required to improve our predictions for X-ray photoionized plasma parameters for XEUS. This is my suggestion for the XMM-Newton Project Scientist and the next panel members to discuss these results to be able to sharpen the XEUS science before the decision which LM will be dropped is done.