Problem Representation
CONTENTS State space Representation Problem Reduction Definition Of Problem Representation Methods of problem representation in AI State space Representation Advantages of State Space Representation Disadvantages of State Space Representation Problem Reduction
Definition Of Problem Representation Before a solution can be found, the prime condition is that the problem must be very precisely defined. By defining it properly, one convert the abstract problem into real workable states that are really understood. These states are operated upon by a set of operators and the decision of which operator to be applied, when and where is dictated by the overall control strategy. BACK TO INDEX
Methods of Problem Representation in AI State Space Representation Problem Reduction BACK TO INDEX
State space Representation
Fig-State Space Representation For Coffee Making To Define a Problem as a state space search, We will take the following example: Water Boiled Boiling Water Added Coffee Powder Added Milk Powder Decoction Milk Coffee Added Sugar Palatable Coffee Fig-State Space Representation For Coffee Making
1 5 3 1 2 3 6 8 7 4 5 6 4 2 7 8 Initial State Goal State Thus, A set of all possible states for a given problem is known as the state space of the problem. To explain it in a more detailed manner let us consider another problem of 8-puzzle. The puzzle consists of a square frame containing 8 tiles and an empty slot. The tiles are numbered from 1 to 8. The goal is to get the square in a numerical order. To solve this problem, one needs to have an initial state, a goal state & a set of rules. Following figure shows the initial state and goal state. 1 5 3 1 2 3 6 8 7 4 5 6 4 2 7 8 Initial State Goal State
The rules for this problem are: The state space is now a directed graph with all the states as nodes. A node is said to exist if it is possible to obtain it from the initial state by application of a set of operators. Up:- If the hole is not touching the top frame, move it up. Down:- If the hole is not touching the bottom frame, move it down. Left:- If the hole is not touching the left frame, move it down. Right:- If the hole is not touching the right frame, move it down.
(Fragment of the state space of 8-tile puzzle) BACK TO INDEX
Advantages of State Space Representation State space representation is highly beneficial in AI because they provide all possible states, operations and the goals. If the entire state space representation for problem is given,it is possible to trace the path from the initial state to the goal state & identify the sequence of operators necessary for doing it. BACK TO INDEX
Disadvantages of State Space Representation The major deficiency of this method is that it is not possible to visualize all states for a given problem. The resources of the computer system are limited to handle huge state space representation. BACK TO INDEX
Problem Reduction To overcome the deficiencies of above method, problem reduction technique comes today. In this method, a complex problem is broken down or decomposed into a set of primitive sub-problems. solutions for this primitive sub-problem are easily obtained. For Exp:- Consider the activities that must be done to set right a punctured tyre.
Set right a punctured tyre AND tree Take the tyre to Mechanic Identify the location of puncture Fix the puncture Remove the tyre OR tree Let the mechanic come and take it You yourself remove it Ask your friend to do it Ask the mechanic to do it You yourself take it Drive in your friend’s vehicle Take it in a public transportation system Fig-An AND/OR tree
The top level specifies the overall goal which is combination of tasks given in level2,level3 & level4 indicate primitive sub-problems. The figure given in previous slide is a pictorial representation of problem by an AND/OR tree. An arc( ) connecting different branches is called an AND tree. Normally, the initial complex problem forms the parent node & primitive sub-problems form the leaf node. Between the complex problem and the sub-problem, there exist two kinds of relationships -AND relationship and OR relationship.
In AND relationship, the solution for the problem is obtained by solving all the sub-problems. In OR relationship, the solution for the problem is obtained by solving any of the sub-problems. Most problem that AI attack, do not reduce to pure AND or pure OR trees. A combination of these exist. BACK TO INDEX