The Netherlands Are they living in poverty?
Population The Netherlands have a population of 16,531,294 (2009). They have a dense population of about 1,031 people per square mile. The female population according to the World Bank, is 50.46% (2008), so a little bit over half.
Education 99% of people over the age of 15 are literate. 99% of males 99% of females Average time spent in school is 17.2 years 55% of the population enrol in tertiary education Only 23% of those with higher education enter the workforce
Workforce Average annual income is around 45,000$ (U.S) 70% of people above the age of 15, are employed 71.5% of females are working 82.4% of males are working Netherlands has one of the most highly educated labour forces in the world One-quarter of the workforce has some type of degree
Maternity Benefits Pregnant women are entitled to 16 weeks maternity leave. 4-6 weeks before delivery (pregnancy leave) weeks after delivery (parental leave) Different from other European countries Entitled to full payment of your salary
Population Rates Birth Rate births/1000 people Death Rate 8.21deaths/1000 people Maternal Mortality Rate 12.1deaths/100,000 births Infant Mortality Rate 459 deaths/ 100,000 births There is a high rate of at home births with midwives, and this makes them 2-3 times more likely to end in infant death
Work Cited GB/menu/themas/onderwijs/publicaties/artikelen/archief/2007/ wm.htm?Languageswitch=on people-wb-data.html people-wb-data.html