Kerelous Learning Journey Music and Computing Spring 2015
Targets “I Can” StatementsEvidence: How have I achieved this? Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory I can sing and remember harmony parts confidently in a choir I can remember all of the words to the songs Use and understand staff and other musical notations I understand and can compose using visual notation Appreciate and understand a wide range of live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians I can describe the sounds in a composition I can describe the form and structure of a composition
Music Targets “I Can” StatementsEvidence: How I achieved this? Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts I can sing in the Gospel Choir confidentlyMy friend tell me your good at singing I can sing solos confidently I sang a solo in gospel choir Use voices and instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control, expression I can do actions in time with the songs that we sing I can sing sensitively, paying attention to volume, and the style of music I listen to the music I can tell whether my voice is a “Soprano” or “Alto I can tell that I am a soprano because I have a high voie Improvise and compose music for a arrange of purposes using the inter-related dimensions of music I can compose music using live instruments and technology i use soundtion I can improvise a drum kit accompaniment to a piece of hip hop music I can create sound effects to create a particular mood for a song I use sountdion
Targets “ I Can Statements” Evidence: How have I achieved this? Other things that I can do I can sing with a high voice.I am a soprano I can also play a recorderI can play the recorder because in year three a teacher came and taught us. I can play the African drumsI can play the African drums because Mr Salazar taught me. Other things that I would like to do I would like to play the drums
14 January 2015 Learning Objective: To edit the powerpoint created by Mr Salazar; To write about my experiences in the Gospel Choir
Gospel Choir In Gospel Choir there is two groups altos and sopranos. The altos have low voices and sopranos have high voices. I like singing because you get to express you voices.
Mr Salazar’s Comments Are you a soprano or an alto? I am a soprano Did you learn anything new about music during the choir rehearsal?
21 January Learning Objectives – To respond to marking from last week – To think about which “I Can” statements I can achieve in music
21 January: Assessment Today I was able to – Respond to all of Mr Salazar’s comments from previous weeks – Highlight the “I Can” statements that I am able to do in music – Add additional “I Can” statements that I would like to achieve in music
Mr Salazar’s Comments 22 January Thank you for highlighting the I Can statements. Please go back and add details in the “Evidence” columns
28 January 2015 Learning Objective – To describe musical form Definition of “Form” – How the parts of a song are put together – The structure of music
Musical Form What are the different parts of music? (Add your own definitions) – Verse:it means it is first Does the verse change? Is it only at the beginning? – Chorus:it means it repeats – Bridge:when they meet up the tunes What does the bridge lead toward? On the next slide, you will listen to the song “Happy” and add notes regarding the verse and chorus. The first two sections are completed for you.
Happy: Musical FormLyricsInstrumentsVocals Verse 1“It might seem crazy….” Drum Kit, SynthesizerFemale Soloist Chorus“Because I’m Happy…” Drum Kit, SynthesizerFemale Soloist; Background vocals Verse 2Here comes bad newsDrum kit, What else?Female soloist ChorusBecause i’m happyDrum kit What else?Female soloist background vocals BridgeBring me downDrum kit,clappingFemales singig ChorusBecause I’ happyDrum kit What else?Female soloist background chorusBecause I’m happyDrum kitFemale soloist background bridgeBring me downDrum kit,clappingFemales singing chorusBecause I’ m happyDrum kitFemale soloist background chorusBecause I’m happyDrum kitFemale soloist background
Mr Salazar’s Comments 12 February This is excellent work. Please answer my questions on slide 12, and edit your definitions Please check the information about the instruments on slide 13.
Singing insertion On the conncert we sang happy, rather be, love has no colour, hold on to your faith, let the sunshine, colours and jump. I liked it when we performed because we jumped when we jumped. I like the teacher how was teaching us
Mr Salazar’s Comments 4 March Kerelous, thank you for telling me about Sing Inspiration. What did you learn musically? Are you a better singer now? What was the most challenging part? Your Happy video is excellent. Can you add it to this powerpoint?
18 Marrch 2015 Learning objective To add sections to my learning journey power point. To add a photo album to my learning journey. Extension: To add video clips to my learning journey to illustrate my musical learning
That is me
Drive-has four beats Simple-has five beats Clin d oeil –has three beats Your plant-has four beats 3 o clock-has three beats
20 may 2015 Lo: To describe the time signature of a song. Last week the laptops Were not working so we Did this we had to see if the song had 4 beats or 3 beats.
Behaviour Last week I was not Behaving properly. So after the lesson I had to do this
10 June 2015 Lo: To define dynamics. Definition: How loud or quiet music sounds.