If you want to learn about a Tokay gecko, you will right now! They are amazing because they can walk on the wall and even on the ceiling!! In this report I will tell you about a Tokay gecko. I will tell you what a Tokay gecko looks like, where it lives and what it eats. I will also tell you some interesting facts about a Tokay gecko.
This is what a Tokay gecko looks like. The Tokay gecko can grow from 1.6 to 60 centimeters long, and they are the largest of all geckos! They have pads on their toes, and they have tiny hairs on the pads that help them grab onto smooth surfaces. They have no eyelids, and their toes are double jointed. Their skin is covered in dry, hard scales. The Tokay gecko’s eyes are covered by a thin membrane to protect their eyes. They are gray with orange spots.
This is where a Tokay gecko lives. The Tokay gecko is found in southeast Asia. They adapt to forests, deserts and grasslands. Tokay geckos have to live in warm weather or they will die. Tokay geckos blend in with the leaves they are surrounded by.
T his is what a Tokay gecko eats. The Tokay gecko hunts at night. They eat spiders, mice, fruit and other insects. They store fat in their tail and the fat helps them stay alive when they can’t find food.
Here are some interesting facts about a Tokay gecko. When the Tokay gecko’s tail breaks off, its tail will grow right back! Since they don’t have any eyelids to protect their eyes, they have to lick their eyes to clean their eyes. The Tokay gecko is very aggressive. They can run upside down and even sideways! Another fact is that they are cold blooded. Their predators are snakes, mammals and birds.
In this report I have told you about a Tokay gecko. I told you what a Tokay gecko looks like, where it lives, and what it eats. I also told you some interesting facts about a Tokay gecko. I’ve just told you how amazing Tokay geckos are!