Mammography Advantage Pathway Using the MAP: Mammography Advantage Pathway Resource Kit©
Mammography Advantage Pathway Expected Outcomes from Using this Kit identifying methods to capture cost; optimizing financial resources; streamlining processes; evaluating the quality and efficiency of mammography services; and identifying opportunities for improvement.
Mammography Advantage Pathway Resource Kit Contents Financial, service, and clinical indicators Instruments to address strengths and weaknesses of mammography services Intervention and resolution items User-friendly performance templates and algorithms
Mammography Advantage Pathway Resource Kit Design Designed in conjunction with HANYS Breast Cancer Demonstration Project™ Advisory Board with input from Oncology Solutions, LLC. Oncology Solutions’ practice is devoted exclusively to oncology programs and services.
Mammography Advantage Pathway Most Common Revenue Loss Issues Coding errors including: failure to use appropriate codes; and failure to use appropriate modifier Failure to collect for billed charges Source: Oncology Solutions
Mammography Advantage Pathway Enhancement Opportunities Ongoing sharing of information between breast care administrators and financial representatives: help identify opportunities for cost capture and maximum reimbursement; help administrators understand the intricate details of their financial performance; and review encounter forms periodically to ensure accuracy of codes used.
Mammography Advantage Pathway Enhancement Opportunities Addressing mammography scheduling issues: Evaluate reason for delays; and Consider opportunities to decrease waiting times, such as: oImplementing a dual tracking system (dedicating equipment and personnel to screening and diagnostic mammography); oPurchasing more equipment. Opportunities will be unique to each hospital due to different organizational structures.
Mammography Advantage Pathway Enhancement Opportunities Automation for streamlining workflow: exploring options based on determined needs; adopting electronic clinical information systems; and using automated documentation tools.
Mammography Advantage Pathway Enhancement Opportunities Implementation of audit mechanisms: create monthly management reports; collect data to evaluate cost per procedure; collect data to provide accurate calculation of quality assurance reports, including Mammogram Quality Standards Act required reporting.
Mammography Advantage Pathway Enhancement Opportunities Addressing staffing issues: evaluate variances in staffing; consider shortage of personnel; and clearly define responsibilities.
Mammography Advantage Pathway To Obtain Copies To download the MAP: Mammography Advantage Pathway Resource Kit©, visit Cancer_Project/resourcekits.htm Call HANYS BCDP™ at (518)