October 7, 2013 Entry task: What do you think a leavening agent is? What function does a leavening agent play in baking? Target: To identify the role and function of various leavening agents when baking.
This week: Tuesday - Cupcake lab prep Wednesday – Cupcake bake and test Thursday- Leavening agent QUIZ Friday- First FREE COOK! WOOHOO!
Class Target: To understand the role and function of various leavening agents when baking.
Leavening Agents There are two main types of Leavening Agents used in baking. Yeast & Chemicals. Yeast is a microorganism that feeds on sugars, creates gas, and pushes out on the surrounding dough to make it rise. Chemical leavening agents do the same thing with a chemical reaction. The basic reaction is ACID + BASE = A GAS (CO2)
How the reaction works:
Examples of Acids & Bases AcidsBases VinegarBaking Soda Buttermilk Cream of Tartar (not tarter sauce) Baking Powder = Baking Soda + Cream of Tartar
The Acid and Base react to create bubbles in the dough! The experiment that we are going to do on Wednesday is designed to show you how various leavening agents work in the baking process. Follow the directions on the lab, using the appropriate leavening agent assigned to your kitchen group. When done arrange on a plate leaving one whole, one cut in half and the others cut into bite sized pieces for the class to evaluate. Make sure there are enough for each person to try. Please do not take more than one!
Quiz You will have a quiz on leavening agents on THURSDAY! Listen up! Study hard and ask questions.
Predictions Make predictions on the turnout of the cupcakes depending on their leavening agent or lack of. You will receive points for doing so.
Free Cook Discussion Discuss what it is that you want to make for your free cook! Who is bringing what? I will have sugar, flour, baking powder/soda… etc. I am NOT going to the store to get ingredients!
Flash Cards In order for you to do well on your final, you will make flashcards in class to study. You will have several foods quizzes that count for points throughout the semester Study in chunks. DON’T LEAVE UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!!!