Part 9: MyProxy
Pragmatics This presentation and lab ends the GRIDS Center agenda Q: When do we convene again tomorrow?
And repeating our thanks to Warren Anderson … who, among his many other talents, could recognize the make and model of my fountain pen from across the table LIGO Support Staff Especially Bonnie Wooley National Science Foundation So long, and thanks for all the fish Y’all
Evaluations Reminder Ple–e–e–ease give us your feedback How do we make this more useful to you? Would it be useful to make this a regular event with the LSC community?
Part 9: MyProxy Bonus §: Other Workflow Managers A: MyProxy Concepts B: MyProxy Commands C: Laboratory: MyProxy
Bonus §: Workflow Management GridANT Pegasus
Ant JAVA-based build engine Similar turf to make, but cross-platform Build targets are defined in XML files Tasks are not restricted to code generation jobs In other words, it’s also a simple workflow manager
GridAnt Simple client-side workflow manager Part of GT3 Includes GSI authentication for file transfer and job execution components
GridAnt Capabilities Setup the grid environment Authenticate users to the grid Copy files between grid resources Delete files on a grid resource Execute tasks on the grid Query resources and status of tasks on the grid Checkpoint the current state of grid tasks
Pegasus “Planning for Execution on the Grid” Developed as part of GriPhyN Defines workflow on an abstract level Generates concrete workflow (i.e. DAGMan files)
Pegasus and LIGO Chimera Virtual Data System Info from Chimera helps define an abstract workflow Pegasus … transforms it into a concrete workflow and … submits it to DAGMan The concrete workflow is optimized for virtual data Reusing data components that have already been materialized … as determined by querying the RLS
A: MyProxy Concepts
MyProxy Developed at NCSA A MyProxy repository is also maintained by NCSA at To be distributed with Globus Toolkit 4 Excellent documentation at
Note! Proxy ≠ Proxy! In this section, we’re talking about a different kind of proxy than before. grid-proxy-init deals with local certificate proxies. myproxy-init deals with proxies stored in a remote repository.
Why use MyProxy? Using MyProxy, you don’t need to store a copy of your Grid credentials on every machine you use to access the Grid. You can use MyProxy to delegate credentials to a grid portal. You can allow trusted servers to renew your proxy credential.
Credential Renewal Q: What happens if my credential goes away in the middle of a big job? A: “Undefined” disasters MyProxy lets you extend the lifetime of a stored credential Condor-G can automatically renew your about-to-expire credential if you’ve set things up properly
B: MyProxy Commands
MyProxy Commands myproxy-init: store (or renew) proxy myproxy-get-delegation: retrieve proxy myproxy-info: query stored credentials myproxy-destroy: remove credential myproxy-change-pass-phrase: change password encrypting private key
The Pride of Urbana "Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H.A.L. Assembly Plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January, 1992.
Lab 9: MyProxy
In this lab, you’ll: Store a credential in a MyProxy repository Retrieve it from the repository Destroy it (intentionally) Renew it Renew it automatically with Condor-G