eCPIC Workflow Quick Guide: Event Subscriptions & Triggers Administrators can assign event subscriptions, which generate automatic, real-time notifications of events and changes that occur throughout the eCPIC system. Administrators can subscribe users or user groups to a wide range of event notifications. For example, event notifications can be sent when a new investment is created, when a PBCR form is submitted, when a resource is uploaded, or if a new user account is created. These events, and a number of others, can be activated by simply assigning a user to the event subscription. To subscribe a user or a group to an event, enter the admin module, and use the menu bar to navigate to Workflows > Event Subscriptions. This will open the page below: When a user is subscribed to an event, they will receive an notification every time the event occurs. The user can see details about the event by checking their eCPIC Inbox. Although eCPIC already contains a number of pre-defined event types, administrators can also customize their own events by creating triggers. To create a new trigger, use the admin module menu bar and navigate to Workflows > Manage Triggers. Click the “New Trigger” link: (3) Select the users or groups that you want subscribed to this event. (1) Select the event you want to subscribe. (2) Select the investment that you would like the subscription assigned to. If no particular investment is selected, the event will be subscribed for all investments. (4) Click the Save Event button to save your settings. (1) Assign a name for your trigger. Once saved, the new trigger will be added to the list of event subscriptions. Administrators can subscribe users or groups to the trigger in the same method as described above. (2) Select the data field that you want to build your trigger around. (3) Enter the conditions for your data field that will set off the trigger. For example, if you selected the Cost Variance data field, you might enter the condition as: “> 15”, in which case, your trigger would be set off whenever the Cost Variance exceeds 15%. (4) Don’t forget to save your new trigger.
eCPIC Workflow Quick Guide: Predefined eCPIC Events The comprehensive list below identifies the predefined eCPIC events that a user or group can be subscribed to for notifications or setting triggers. Event NameEvent Name (Continued) Annual SubmissionPBCR Submitted Application Configuration UpdatedPBCR Updated Authoritative Record SelectedPortfolio Added To OMB Package BureauHasChangedPortfolio Added To Portfolio CBC Child Investment AddedPortfolio Created CBC Child Investment RemovedPortfolio Deleted CBC CreatedPortfolio Removed From OMB Package CBC RemovedPortfolio Removed From Portfolio Field UpdatedPortfolio Updated Group CreatedResource Deleted Group DeletedResource Uploaded Group UpdatedScorecard Created Investment Added To a PortfolioScorecard Updated Investment Added To an OMB Submission PackageScoresheet Created Investment CreatedScoresheet Updated Investment DeletedTask Completed Investment Name UpdatedTask Created Investment Removed From OMB PackageTask Delegated Investment Removed From PortfolioTrigger Fired Investment RevisedUser Account Created Investment UpdatedUser Account Locked Out Investment UPI Code UpdatedUser Account Updated Monthly SubmissionUser Added To Group OMB Package CopiedUser Deleted OMB Package CreatedUser Marked Task Complete OMB Package DeletedUser Profile Updated OMB Package UpdatedUser Removed From Group PBCR ApprovedUser Request Approved PBCR CreatedUser Request Denied PBCR DeletedUser Request Submitted PBCR DeniedUser Request Submitted
eCPIC Workflow Quick Guide: Automated Workflows Workflows can help automate multiple-step business processes that your agency conducts in eCPIC. For example, if a project manager submits a PBCR form, you might have a series of internal reviews you want to track as the PBCR is approved and the new baseline is uploaded to the IT Dashboard. Workflows can be set off automatically by events in the system, or they can be initiated manually by an administrator. Before you create a workflow in eCPIC, it is important to think about the specific steps involved in the process, and the appropriate stakeholders that will be involved in seeing the workflow through to completion. For a simple example of a PBCR approval workflow, here are the roles that might be involved: (1) Enter a name and a description of your workflow. (3) Click the Continue button RoleRole Description Project ManagerManages project, enters data into eCPIC, submits PBCRs PBCR ReviewerReviews PBCR, confirms approval or rejection of new baseline for submission to ITDB PBCR AdministratorFormally approves or rejects PBCR in eCPIC based on recommendation from PBCR Reviewer Remember that eCPIC allows you to create customized roles by entering the admin module, and navigating to Workflows > Manage Roles. Once you have created roles, you can assign specific users to these roles by entering an investment and clicking the icon. Now that you have determined what roles to use in the workflow, think about the steps involved. Here is an example: StepResponsible RoleNext Step(s) (1) PM submits PBCRProject Manager(2) PM schedules a review with PBCR Reviewer Project Manager(3) PBCR Reviewer holds a review and confirms that PBCR should be approved or rejected PBCR ReviewerEither (4a) or (4b) (4a) Administrator approves PBCR in eCPIC, or else PBCR AdministratorWorkflow ends (4b) Administrator rejects PBCR in eCPICPBCR AdministratorWorkflow ends Now you are ready to create your workflow in eCPIC. Enter the admin module and use the menu bar to navigate to Workflows > Manage Workflows. Click the “New Workflow” link, which will open the page below: (2) Workflows must be aligned to a particular module. Select the module that this workflow operates in.
eCPIC Workflow Quick Guide: Automated Workflows A new dropdown menu appears on the screen, where you can select the start up event for the workflow: If you select an event or trigger from this dropdown, your workflow will start automatically when that event occurs. You can also select an option to only have the workflow started manually. For our example workflow, we will choose the “PBCR Submitted” event. This correlates to the first step in our workflow. Whenever a project manager submits a PBCR, our workflow will kickoff. Now you must define the remaining steps of the workflow, and assign the people who will be responsible for each step. Click the “Add New Step” link on the page, which will open the following window: (1) Enter a name and a description of your workflow step. The next step in our example workflow would be: “Schedule a review with the PBCR Reviewer”. Keep adding new steps until your workflow is fully defined. Our example workflow would look like this: Now would be a good time to save your work! (2) If this is the first step (after the startup event) in your workflow, check this button. (3) Assign the users, user groups, or roles that will be responsible for this step. In our example, the Project Manager role is responsible for scheduling the PBCR review. (4) Click the Save Step button.
eCPIC Workflow Quick Guide: Automated Workflows Now that the steps of your workflow are defined, you will need to show how the steps link together. Linking steps will form the chain of your workflow process. Click the icon next to the first step in your process. This will open a new window on the page: Enter an action and select the next step for the link, then click the “Save Links” button. Repeat this process for all the steps in your workflow. Some steps might have multiple links. For example, the PBCR Reviewer can either approve the PBCR, or they can designate it for rejection. Here is how the links would appear for the next step in our workflow: Click the “Add New Link” button. For every link that you add, you enter an action that the responsible party can perform, and you designate the step in the workflow that will follow from that action. For example, from this step in our workflow, we want the Project Manager to take the action of requesting a PBCR review. When they do that, the workflow will move to the next step: The PBCR Reviewer has their choice between two actions. Whichever action they choose sends the appropriate step to the PBCR administrator, telling them whether to approve or reject the PBCR in the system. Finally, you determine how the workflow will end. The last step needs a link that formally ends the workflow. Our example workflow can end on either the “Approve PBCR” or the “Reject PBCR” steps. For each step, we must add this link: Save your progress, and your workflow is complete! Whenever a workflow reaches a particular step, the users you designated will receive an notification. They can use their eCPIC inbox to open the workflow step, and click any of the actions you created for them in that step. This will send the workflow along to the next step.