Strengthening participation – Local action moves the world! Morning lecture 1 The 12th of July 2012 At the CPU By Kirsten Paaby
«Yes, but what can we do and how can we participate..? Any good news?
The Ideas Bank - rooted in the Futures Studies Tradition Robert Jungk – world citizen and future researcher
«The Future has already started» Social Innovations Local sustainable practices
Give back democracy to the people: The Futures Scenario Workshop
From Rio – call for democratic mobilisation From Johannesburg – call for education and life long learning with a focus on: COMPETANCE OF ACTION
The Ideas Bank Model: Best practices - new dialogues - futurepictures
Local sustainable community development Professional assistance to National programs such as: Local Agenda 21 The Frontrunner Community program Livable Communities Our contribution: Pedagogical presentations on sustainable community development Methods for dialogue and partnership Collecting and dissemination of best practices
«Sustainable development has been successfully localised No longer a distant, theoretical concept but on filled with meaning and evoked in everyday realities» Stefan Kuhn, ICLEI Director for Urban Governance
Local Action has moved the world! Some key findings from the ICLEI-review: «Compared to processes initiated by the public sector…the civil society actors are usually characterized by a higher degree of creativity and willingness to explore new solitions..» «Local sustainability processes are hubs of social innovations.»
Samsø Energy Academy Students in all ages meets the people behind the work to be selfsufficient with enery and creating a vital local community The students learn what they themselves can do – instead of threatening with the global warming
Democratic Ecology – the Halkær Ådal Valley, Denmark «The stork has returned…»..and it takes twice as long to shop at the Co-op»
The Future Scenario Workshop a successfull method
Hyldespjældet Housing Cooperative - Denmark - Worldrecord in action plans for sustainable development - Social equality - Energysavings, ecological consumption
The City District Sagene – innovative and creative work in making dialogues with the citizens – testemony of participation
Young People making the future in Øvre Eiker (Norway)
Global follow up in Fredrikstad (Norway) Twinning and exchange networks with towns in Guatemala since 1985
One of the doors to participation Education
From Rio – call for democratic mobilisation From Johannesburg – call for education and life long learning with a focus on: COMPETANCE OF ACTION
The UN Decade for Education for Sustainable Development – ”learning to change our world”
The Decade promotes: Interdisciplinary and holistic learning Values-based learning Critical thinking Multi-method approaches Participatory decision making Locally relevant information
The Target Groups: Pupils, students Society as a whole Life long learning New competance for action
The Balancing Act Nordic Campaign and pedagogic project promoting the UN decade for Education for sustainable development
The pedagogic platform of the Nordic civic formation - Grundtvigs concept of civic formation: Formation of the individual – formation in community Embraces the formation as an: Individual Member of the society World citizen «Lifeskills and a school for life»
Risør highschool in Norway – Eco-lighthouse and youth entrepreneurship Glocal action – Proud students opened first fair-trade shop downtown Risør (Foto: Aust Agder Blad)
Nordens folkhögskola Biskops-Arnö (Sweden) Glocal action – from Sweden to Africa
The Vestjylland folk high school (Denmark) -The «Garden of Wonder» - Sustainable solutions: Energy, food and buildings - Learning from experts – and practicing - Cooperation with the local civil society
«Ecological loops of learning» In partnerships
«Our Common Learning» «Our Common future» The Balancing Act
«Where to find more…..» BALLE – Business Alliance for Local Living Economy ICLEI – International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. Local Governments for Sustainability The Transisition Towns Network The Slow-food movement YES!Magazine …………………………………. Thank you for your attention