Introduction and Background
“Beelzebub” a Hebrew word for LUCIFER However, the literal translation of “Beelzebub” into English is LORD OF THE FLIES
William Golding Born in Britain "We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.
In the decade before LOTF was published, Britain had been involved in two wars: WWII Korean War
As a child, Golding had witnessed WWI, which was referred to as “the war to end all wars.” HOWEVER, 22 years later Britain was again involved in ANOTHER WAR to end all wars, which caused more devastation than was imaginable.
The Atomic Bomb One of the most pivotal and disturbing experiences for those who lived during WWII was the first use of nuclear weaponry against humans. U.S. President Truman in his radio speech from Aug. 9, 1945: “The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians. But that attack is only a warning of things to come.”
The Cold War Era Begins 1946: Churchill coins the term “Iron Curtain” : Berlin Airlift (Soviet Union attempts to gain control of Berlin via blockade; is thwarted by U.S./British airlift) 1949: Communists take control in China; Chairman Mao Tse-Tung travels to Moscow and negotiates Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance.
The Post-War, Cold War Era: Late 1940s Massive damage to major cities due to wartime bombing Major shortages in fuel and food WWII soldiers eager for greater employment opportunities and social change Labour Party elected by a large margin in 1945: goals included improving living conditions, diversifying the economy, providing social services, and maintaining strong military to fight threat of Soviet “Empire”
The Post-War, Cold War Era: Early 1950s Some achievements of the Labour government: nationalized healthcare, creation of hydro-electric power systems Some challenges and limitations: enormous war debts, little growth in private enterprise, several fuel and food shortages U.S.’s Marshall Plan brings aid; ditto Land Rover: more markets and more products to sell
The Post-War, Cold War Era: Early 1950s 1951: Conservative party back in power (aging Churchill at helm), with some signs of economic upturn By 1952, no more unpaid national war debt By 1954, end of rationing on meat products HOWEVER, British economy growing more slowly than those of Germany, Japan, and Southeast Asia Persistent feeling of diminished British power and dominance Cold-War paranoia: When and where would the next bomb fall?
LOTF is in several ways a very timely book. Apocalyptic setting Tension, fear, and violence Savage side of humanity—assumption that humanity in its natural state tends toward chaos and violence, not goodness Politics on a small scale; mirrors politics on a national or even international scale Questioning long-standing assumptions among British and other Europeans of their cultures’ civility, ethics, and strength
Symbols in LOTF : Look for and track these! (Objects, characters, figures, or colors that represent ideas or concepts) Piggy’s Glasses = The last surviving evidence of the lawful, structured world Conch Shell = New democracy on the island Snake = Evil…reference to the serpent in the garden of Eden
Important Images in LOTF The Beast = The imaginary evil that is projected onto the island by the boys’ paranoia Lord of the Flies = A pig’s head on a stick that becomes the physical acceptance of evil on the island
Terms to Remember Microcosm = a small world that represents the world at large Macrocosm = the world at large Edenic = Eden-like, paradise- like, a setting that has not yet been spoiled by humanity’s fall from innocence and ignorant bliss
What to look for as you read Elements that seem to show a particularly post- war, English point of view Microcosm-macrocosm parallels Additional objects with symbolic meaning Traits and values embodied by each character