Detector Paper The NA61/SHINE experiment: beams and detector system Roman Planeta – Jagiellonian University Rainer Renfordt – Johann Wolfgang Goethe University svn co svn+ssh:// and
Contributions 1 Introduction 2 Beams 2.1 The proton acceleration chain 2.2 The ion accelerator chain 2.3 H2 beam line 2.4 Hadron beams 2.5 Primary and secondary ion beams ( Ilias contr.) 3 Beam detectors and triggers 3.1 Beam counters 3.2 A-detector 3.3 BPDs 3.4 Z-detectors 3.5 Trigger system (Sandro) 4 TPC tracking system 4.1 VTPC, MTPC, GAP - TPC 4.2 He beam pipe 4.3 Magnets 4.4 Gas system and monitoring 4.5 TPC Front End Electronics Draft version ready
Contributions 5 ToF systems 5.1 ToF-L, ToF-R 5.2 ToF-F 6 PSD 6.1 Calorimeter design 62. The PSD photodetectors 6.3 Performance of the PSD calorimeter 7 Targets and other subsystems 7.1 Targets (missing liquid target contribution ) 7.2 LMPD 8 Data aquisition and detector control systems 8.1 Readout electronics and DAQ 8.2 DCS 9 Summary and outlook Draft version ready
Comment corresponding to individual figures: Fig. 3: degrader thickness incorrect Fig. 4: remove stat. box Fig. 5: photos of the same format needed Fig. 6 : new plots needed, remove stat. boxes, add labels, same lines thickness convention Fig. 7 right: thicker lines and label, remove statistics boxes Fig. 8: remove unnecessary elements Fig. 10: labels size for all panels should be similar
Comments corresponding to individual figures: Fig. 15: color points, thicker frame lines and labels Fig.16: photo should be replaced by a drawing Fig. 17: thicker lines and labels, titles of the bottom panels should be located inside, all panels should have the same format, corresponding text should be added Fig. 26: thicker lines and labels. Add units to energy deposit on the first layers. Fig. 27: filling should be more transparent for some of elements