Collage Art
Pablo Picasso, Guitar, after March 31, 1913, pasted paper, charcoal, ink, and chalk on blue paper, mounted on ragboard, 26 1/8 x 19 1/2 inches (66.4 x 49.6 m), Museum of Modern Art, NY. Examples From Master Artists
Raoul Hausmann, Untitled, ithograph and photographic collage on paper, 31.8 x 25.4 cm, Tate Gallery, London.
Richard Hamilton Richard Hamilton’s collage titled “Just What Is It that Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing?” An example of collage art in the style of Richard Hamilton.
David Hockney’s grandmother. He wanted the viewer to see all sides at the same time.
Things You'll Need: Your own photos Magazines Newspaper Scissors Glue stick, tape Blank paper(A4 size)
Instructions Step 1 –COLLECT your photos and several old magazines Step 2 –CUT OUT as many photos as you'd like to use on your tag art collage. Step 3 –PLAY WITH THE IMAGES on your tag until you get a grouping that you like. Step 4 –GLUE DOWN the images in the pattern you liked best. add more images until you are happy with your art tag. Step 5 –Cut a piece of DECORATIVE ribbon or string the length
Some Useful Skills Big and Small Upside down
Some Useful Skills Combination
Topic: My perfect day
Title Text Your name