facebook Eleanor of Aquitaine : Ruling WallPhotosFlairBoxesCharacter NameLogout View photos of (name) (x) Send a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Wow that’s a lot of work Write something… Share Information Networks: France Birthday: 1122 Civilization: France Religion: (?) Christian Hometown: France Friends Mary Marie: so when are you guys coming to visit date Richard: when I'm done with all this paper work I have ill send you a picture date Mary Marie: sure I want to see date Richard: look date Eleanor: ill come to visit you tomorrow date Richard: date Luis VIIHenry II William X Mary Marie Richard alix Insert Picture Here
Personal Information facebook Eleanor of Aquitaine: Ruling WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout View photos of (Name) (x) Send a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: France Birthday: 1122 Civilization: France Religion: (?) Christian Hometown: France Photos Networks: France Sex: female Birthday: 1122 Hometown: France Relationship Status: Single Civilization: France Religious Views: Christina Activities: rule, read, do paperwork Interests: rule, watch T.V, read Favorite Music: wild one, whistle, one more night, I would Favorite Movies: made of honor, Hercules, Favorite TV Shows: good luck charily, sci, Favorite Books: franny K. Stein, Esperanza rising (family) (2) Albums (profile) Contact Information Address: France in the castle Phone number: Other Contact: England Insert Picture Here
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of (character 5 photos) (Character) Albums 3 Photo Alums family 6 photos Henry and me 10 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Eleanor of Aquitaine : Ruling Insert Picture Here
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesCharacter NameLogout WallInfo Eleanor of Aquitaine : Ruling (Extra)Photos Insert Picture Here