JEAN MONNET PROGRAMME La rete Jean Monnet il programma Erasmus e i Giovani Imprenditori
2 Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activities–Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European associations Transversal Programme 4 key activities–Policy Cooperation; Languages; ICT; Disseminationand exploitation of results (valorisation) Grundtvig Adult education LeonardodaVinciErasmus Higher education & advanced training Comenius School education Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activitiesJean Monnet Action; European Institutions; Transversal Programme 4 key activities–Policy Cooperation; Languages; ICT; Disseminationand exploitation of results (valorisation) Grundtvig Adult education LeonardodaVinci Vocational education and training Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Comenius School education Comenius School education LLP PROGRAMME STRUCTURE
3 Jean Monnet Action Operating grants to support specified institutions Operating grants to support European associations active at European level in the field of education and training JEAN MONNET PROGRAMME STRUCTURE
4 JEAN MONNET PROGRAMME, Key Activity 1 The Jean Monnet Programme was launched in 1989 with the aim of facilitating the introduction of European integration studies in universities by means of start-up subsidies. The programme takes the name of Jean Monnet ( ), one of the ‘architects’ of the European Union and incarnation of the European ideal.
5 European Integration studies involves the study of the origins and evolution of the European Communities and the European Union in all its aspects. European integration studies cover the analysis of both the internal and external dimension of European integration, including the European Union's role in the dialogue between peoples and cultures. Comparative studies concerning national practices are not regarded as European integration studies. Two different types of action: 1. TEACHING ACTIVITIES 2. ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES SUBJECT AREA AND TYPES OF ACTION
6 6 Teaching activities Jean Monnet Chair: teaching post with a specialization in European integration studies for a minimum of 90 hours per academic year. "Ad personam" Jean Monnet Chair: former Jean Monnet Chair holders with evidence of high-level international teaching and publication record and/or professor with a distinguished background as former practitioner in the field of European integration. Centre of Excellence: multi-disciplinary structure pooling scientific, human and documentary resources for European integration studies and research within one or more universities. European Module: short programme of European integration study, minimum 40 teaching hours per academic year, may be multi-disciplinary TYPE OF ACTIONS (1/2)
7 7 Academic and Research activities Associations of professors and researchers specializing in European integration: associations whose explicit purpose is to contribute to the study of the European integration process and whose aim is to enhance the visibility of regional or national scientific and physical resources in this domain. Information and research activities relating to European integration: aims to promote discussion, reflection and knowledge about the European integration process. Multilateral research groups: research partnership leading to an integrated academic network with a joint research plan and multi-disciplinary synergies in the field of EU studies. TYPE OF ACTIONS (2/2)
8 62 countries throughout the world 740 universities offer Jean Monnet courses as part of their curricula 3,500 projects in the field of European integration studies more than 1,500 professors 250,000 students every year A worldwide network (1989 – 2009)
9 Directory
10 Useful Links
11 Erasmus Cooperation between HEIs and Enterprises in Erasmus Centralised Actions
12 Erasmus Programme Structure and budget 2010 Decentralised Actions (managed by the National Agencies): Mobility of students, including student placements in enterprises, Staff mobility Intensive Programmes, Preparatory Visits Budget: 445 million EUR Centralised Actions (managed by the Executive Agency): Multilateral Projects Networks Accompanying Measures Budget: 19.8 million EUR
13 Encourage trans-national higher education cooperation in strategically important fields Operational objectives d.) of the Erasmus improve the quality and to increase the volume of cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises; Creating innovative European BA/MA/PhD courses and continuing education: Curriculum Development Contributing to the reform of HE systems with regard to Bologna objectives: Modernisation of Higher Education Promoting Cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises Promoting the virtual dimension in Higher Education: Virtual Campuses Erasmus Multilateral Projects
14 Cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises Who can benefit ? Higher education institutions Enterprises, in particular SMEs Professional organisations Chambers of commerce Social partners Local/regional/national bodies Who can apply ? Higher education institutions holding a full duration Erasmus University Charter Enterprises (in particular SMEs), professional organisations, chambers of commerce, socialpartners and local/regional/national bodies Minimum Partnership: 3 partners from 3 different countries Maximum Duration ? 3 Years Maximum Grant € ? /year. However, maximum EU contribution to projects will be € for the entire duration of the project (75% max.)
15 reinforcing the link between studies and future skills and employment needs, for example by assessing future skills needs and by promoting business input into course design, as stated in the "New Skills for New Jobs“* initiative; developing educational services such as special courses for upgrading knowledge and skills of employees (including language skills to improve competitiveness); developing provisions for part-time students; promoting mobility, entrepreneurship, creative thinking and innovative approaches as part of the curriculum for students and as a skill for teachers/researchers. * Priorities Co-operation between HEI and Enterprises
16 Involve partners from outside the academia 60% develop training courses, modules or enrich already existing curricula with practice-based learning elements in a specific field of study or a business sector 40% develop general strategies/guidelines/tools in relation to Cooperation HEI/Enterprises (innovation, female entrepreneurship, student placements, etc.) Use a virtual community platform and blended learning Often a couple “HEI-Enterprise” in each participating country Common Features Co-operation between HEI and Enterprises
17 Useful Links LLP – Erasmus Programme – Executive Agency (EACEA) Website LLP – Erasmus Programme – Directory project compendia
18 Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs “… to help new EU entrepreneurs enrich their experiences, learning and networking by spending periods in enterprises run by experienced entrepreneurs in other EU Member States.” European Commission Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General Unit E1 – Entrepreneurship
20 What are the potential benefits for NEs? learning from an experienced entrepreneur in another EU country how to best start and manage an SME; practical and financial assistance from IOs develop international connections and knowledge about foreign markets; benefit from possible co-venturing opportunities and the development of crossborder markets; gain insights into a different cultural and organisational setting; understand the regulatory framework in another EU country.
21 Who can participate in the call? Any public entity or private body active in the field of business support can participate, in particular: public authorities active in economic affairs, enterprise or business support chambers of commerce and industry, chambers of handicrafts or similar bodies, business support organisations, start-up centres and incubators business associations and business support networks public and private entities offering business support services
22 Useful links Where can I find more information? New Call Deadline: 28 June 2010