Why South America Growth UK Market Share Low UK has honourable History UK Expertise and Honesty recognised
Brazilian Heroes Admiral Cochrane George Canning Getulio Vargas Fernando Enrique Cardoso Lula Rousseff
Pedro Cabral 1500 Paul Eadie 1972
Current growth rate 1.9% Reserves and credit capacity Unemployment – 4.9% Inflation – 6.4% Tax take Sound financial management Economic Data
Natural resources Pre-Salt discovery – Major player in Oil Industry in the near future Survived economic downturn Growth fuelled by domestic consumption Economic inequality reduced drastically in the last decade Economic good news
Democratic Secure (within reason) Literate Transparent Widespread use of IT Rise of C Class Political/social
Salvador Fortaleza Recife Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo Porto Alegre Curitib a Belem Belo Horizonte Brasilia Manau s Brazil Major Cities
Brazil Preparation Patience Persistence Partnership Portuguese Professionalism Posts PC Paul
Opportunities in Brazil Oil and gas Mining Healthcare services and products Education and training Specialised machinery Aerospace IT and mobile telephony Food Ingredients Ports and construction Consultancy Sports
Perceived Barriers Import Duties Local Taxes Customs and Shipping Charges Despachantes Language Bureaucracy Cost of Interpreters/Taxis
UKTI Help for Exporters Dedicated ITAS Regional Consultants P2E Gateway OMIS Market Visits
Paul Eadie MBE Mobile: Skype:Paul.Eadie1 Phone: