Rights of Citizenship
What is a Citizen? A citizen is a person who owes loyalty to a particular nation and is entitled to all rights and protections. To be a US Citizen you must fulfill ONE of THREE requirements: Born in the United States (or one parent is a citizen) You were naturalized- completed the official process for becoming a citizen You were 18 or younger when your parents were naturalized.
Becoming a Citizen Immigrant – a person who enters another country in order to settle there Naturalization Process Enter the country Submit documents, photographs, and attend interviews granted permission to remain as a resident alien (noncitizen living in the country) Submit an application for citizenship after 5 years Take a test using the English language and demonstrating he/she understands American history and government. Prove he or she is of good moral character Stand before a judge and take the oath to become an American
Civic Virtue Civic virtue – the willingness to work for the good of the nation or community even at great sacrifice Patriotism – feeling of love towards one country Respect Courage Responsibility
Responsibilities of Citizenship Voting – a good citizen studies the candidates and issues in order to make responsible choices Obeying the Laws Defending the Nation Serving on a Jury Serving the Community Being Informed