2. Sarah could have done better on the assignment, although she did receive an A. 3. Because she didn’t say, “Mother may I?” she had to start over. 4. Before my mom would let me spend the night, she had to talk to Jamie’s mom. 5. If you study for the test, you will do much better. 6. Once the play started, we were not allowed to talk. 7. We won’t be able to play unless the rain stops by noon. 8. Rex practiced his guitar until he could play the song perfectly. 9. Whenever, I think about the third grade teacher, I have a warm feeling inside. 10. We played games while the adults sat and talked.
American Romanticism YOU WILL BE TAKING NOTES!
Romanticism Reacts Against Too Much Logic Romanticism is the name for the school of thought that values feelings and intuition over reason and science. Opposite of the revolutionary writers and the age of reason. It was an artistic, intellectual, literary movement. Americans were trying to create a distinct, new “American” literature Remember, we’d only officially been a country for a couple of decades.
Romantic Setting/Environment American Romantic poets and writers looked for “exotic” settings (in the “more natural) past or to the natural world. These natural/exotic environments helped writers escape the dull realities of the rationalists’ grimy, dirty, and noisy cities.
Romantic American Heroes As the US grew westward, frontier life was idealized. Writers of Romanticism argued that innocent American heroes had virtue, not sophisticated Europeans. The good things in life were found in the American wilderness not cities or libraries.
Transcendentalism A movement within romanticism. Transcendentalism : The idea that in order to reach God, the universe, and your true self, you must transcend, or go beyond, everyday human experience in the physical world. This is because true reality was found in ideas, not in the world perceived by the senses.
The 5 “I”s of Romanticism Intuition Imagination Individualism Inspiration Idealism
RECAP Romanticism is not about being “in love” It’s about valuing nature, imagination, optimism, and creativity. A traditional romantic setting is natural A romantic hero had virtue, “street smarts”, and honored the frontier Transcendentalists believe in being your true self to experience life more deeply.