Mr. Osbeck
When I was a kid, I fell into a bees nest and was stung over 60 times I play the guitar, piano, trumpet, and saxophone I had the uncomfortable feeling of my intestines exploding as a teenager
Introduction to Psychology – Where did Psych come from? Brain & Biology - Neurons, hormones, and the brain… Memory – How do we remember? Why do we forget? Sensation & Perception – How we view our world… Altered States of Consciousness - Natural vs. drug induced Intelligence – How intelligent are you really? Learning – What is conditioning? Development – How humans age and mature… Personality – Where does it come from? Psychological Disorders – Are you psycho?
During the school year, Council Rock School District reviewed all of the R-Rated movies that are used in high school classrooms. Each of these movies was “re-approved” for the school year under Board Policy 109– the policy that governs the guidelines and process for the approval of these films. Each of these movies will require parent permission before any of these R-Rated films are shown in class. During the school year we will be viewing the R-Rated film: – The Breakfast Club
Council Rock School District recognizes the need for regular student assessment. Assessment can take many forms: class work, homework, reports, projects, student writing, student performance, quizzes, teacher developed tests, department/district tests, mid-term and final exams, and standardized tests. Teachers will provide the opportunity to review assessments in a classroom setting. With the exception of District Assessments, students have the option of taking assessments home. In lieu of taking an assessment home, students may leave the assessment with the teacher for future use/reference. District Assessments are defined as summative assessments that are collaboratively created and administered across schools. District Assessments are available for review at parent request. These are the current District Assessments administered to students: mid-terms, finals, quarterlies/unit tests and elementary pre and post assessments. At the secondary level, the Home Access Center will indicate with an asterisk those District Assessments that will not go home.
On a daily basis, notes will be posted, usually via the Smart Board. These notes will provide the basis for the information you will be tested on. I strongly recommend (mandatory) that you purchase a three ring binder for this course and this course alone. This course covers a lot of information and you need to stay organized.
Homework will be given on a random basis, and on some occasions you will have more than one night to complete the assignment. Each homework assignment will be allotted a different value of points based on difficulty and the amount of work required to complete the task appropriately. Any homework assigned will be checked or collected. There is no such thing as late homework. For larger projects…your grade will be reduced by one letter grade per day that the assignment is late. One night homework assignments are considered an ALL or nothing task. There is no partial credit on this type of assignment. I expect your BEST effort!
Tests will make up a significant part of your grade and they are fairly difficult! Notice of test dates will be given well in advance and you will have plenty of time to prepare for these occasions. Tests will be given point values based on the number of questions asked. – All work that is turned in must be neatly completed, either typed or written in pencil or ink (blue or black) – Work must be completed in a professional manner. Do not hand in work with rough edges. – Follow directions!
Extra credit projects will not be given, however during the course of the year you may earn extra credit points through various activities. – “Oz Bucks”
It is your responsibility to make up all missed work (tests, homework, activities, and projects). Everyday that a project is late = -10 (based on a value of 100) points. Notes from parents will not be accepted explaining why students were unable to complete any assignment or homework (in extreme cases, exceptions will be made – PLEASE SEE ME!). Missed tests may be made up during clinic or before school. You have as many days as you were absent to make up any work. I am very flexible. As long as you communicate with me you will have no problems.
Academic dishonesty (cheating / plagiarism) will not be tolerated. First offense = 0 for the assignment / test etc. Second offense = don’t let it happen.
All grades are based on total points. At the end of each marking period I will simply divide the total number of points earned by the total number of points possible. Example: your total points = 400, total points possible = 500, your grade = %80.
Cellular phones and electronic devices (IPOD’s etc.) are to remain off and out of sight unless you are given permission to use the object. The first violation of this policy will result in a warning, from that point forward it will be up to my discretion to confiscate your phone or electronic device. If I choose to confiscate a phone or electronic device it will remain in my possession until the end of the school day. If this becomes a consistent issue, no warnings will be issued, confiscation will occur, and you will be disciplined by your grade level principal.
a.Follow the “Golden Rule”. b.Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. c.One person may speak at a time. d. Sign if you need to use the bathroom.
1.Two inch (2”) three ring binder. We will have quarterly notebook checks and you will be required to keep this item updated on a daily basis. 2.Black & White Composition Book