Literacy in the Digital World Webinar 1 of 2 Developed by ERLC/ARPDC as a result of a grant from Alberta Education to support implementation with Siobhan Murphy & Karla Holt
Where are you? Use the clip art tool to place an icon on the map.
Place an icon that best describes your role in your school division. TeacherConsultantAdministratorOther
Goals: To explore how access to new technologies and communication tools has contributed to the changing meaning of literacy To become familiar with the key themes in Literacy First and how they relate to increasing literacy in the digital world To investigate key strategies to embed the teaching of digital literacy skills across the curriculum
Literacy First: What is it?
Literacy First – Key Themes 1.What is Literacy? 2. Building literacy skills in all subjects and all grades 3. Literacy as a factor in high school completion rates 4. More literacy support for all learners 5. Literacy professional learning for all K-12 teachers 6. Literacy is a shared responsibility
Literacy is acquiring, creating, connecting and communicating meaning in a wide variety of contexts. Literacy First: A Plan for Action (p.3) Alberta Education 2010 Literacy Defined…
Literacy in the Digital World m/literacy/videos.aspx Place the in the participant window when you have finished viewing the video.
Brainstorm List all the technologies you know that support communication and collaboration.
Consider How has access to new technologies and communication tools evolved what it means to be literate? What are the implications for educators and education?
Connect to the Plan for Action What are our students’ communities? To whom are they communicating? What will be the assumptions their communities have? How will they participate fully in their futures? Review pages 1 – mid page 4 of Literacy First
Consider your own connections to how technology influenced this teacher’s practice. View
How do teachers encourage literacy development, to enhance critical and creative thinking, via technology? View Student Clip
Ideas I Heard: tech tools teacher support critical thinking and so on Response: connections questions revelations and so on Student Clip
Explore The teachers used Blogspot to create the Developing Expert Voices pages.
Explore Blogspot or Blogger is an open source site that allows anyone to set up their own blogging page.
Teach voice, tone, audience; use essential questions to guide deeper thinking; explore ideas and problem solve on any subject at any level. Explore the Web
Collaborate in an environment that lets you control access. Explore the Web
View: Questions
Next week: What digital tools are you interested in exploring to support literacy in the classroom?
Final Thoughts