5/15/12 Character Quote: “We have committed the Golden Rule to memory; let us now commit it to life.”-Edwin Markham Brain Tease Question: In China, do most people work in offices, in factories or on farms?
Answer: On farms. Rafer Reminder: Be sure that you are a respectful student.
This week you can pay off your library fines at half price, hurry in! All books are due this Friday the 18th. Thank you for turning them in. Remember you can also work off fines by cleaning books at lunch or break. Any 8 th grader interested in auditioning for the Kingsburg High School Jazz Choir for next year we have packets in the office with more information. Auditions will run from May 15 th – May 31 st. Any 8 th grade boy or girl interested in high school football. You can pick up paperwork in the office. At this time please stand and be respectful as your room representative leads your class in the flag salute.