PhD General Assembly on PhD Day 2.Website: Who is who ? Method/ knowledge sharing Statistics: financial status of PhD students Supervision of PhD students, relation PhD students/ supervisors 3.Soft Skill Courses: External (speaker invited): time/project management, rhetorics Internal (speakers from GFZ): presentations, publications, funding 4.Social events 5.Helmholtz-Juniors
PhD General Assembly Soft skill courses What do we want / need? Internal activities I GFZ Last year: Work-Life-Balance, Time management This year: ? Internal activities II PhD GFZ scientists introduce their strategies concerning: PresentationsProposals/fundingPaper External consultant Our suggestions: Rhetorics, Project management, Time management Your suggestions ? (
PhD General Assembly Helmholz Juniors Meeting 18-20/01/06, Leipzig Helmholtz Homepage: Wiki: Forum: Meeting the new HGF president Prof. Mlynek Topics discussedpromotion/support of PhD students within the HGF supervising PhD students through a scientific commitee imarting soft skills in graduate schools
PhD General Assembly Helmholz Juniors Meeting 18-20/01/06, Leipzig Topics discussed in open space rounds were Career perspectives Goals of the HGFJ Networking International students Questionary Soft skills Next meeting of the Helmholz Juniors at the DKFZ in Heidelberg (expected in early 2007)