Application and Assessment (1) Application process launched in April 2013 for learning aims commencing from 1 st August 2013 Straight forward eligibility – non-means tested application Details from Learning & Funding Information Letter given to learners, essential for accurate completion of the application Fast processing of applications where SLC have complete and correct details – majority dealt with by automated processing
Application and Assessment (2) SLC will assess the application: –Check personal eligibility inclusive of age, residency and identity –Passport number can be checked by link to Identity and Passport Service to verify identity –Check College or Training Organisation is an approved provider –Check Learning Aim approved for funding –NINO verified by link with Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Learner notified of outcome e.g approved, ineligible
Learning Provider Portal Available to providers from March 2013 Approved providers will have access (notified to SLC by the Agency) All service interactions will be delivered via the portal Providers will be able to: –View the details of learner applications –Confirm learners ongoing attendance, in order to release payment of their loan –Complete change of circumstance notifications –Import bulk information, for both confirmations of attendance and changes of circumstance –Utilise set of financial reports –Export data to their own systems
Attendance and Payments (1) Attendance confirmation is always required before payment is released Three confirmations can be sent: –‘Y’ - learner is in attendance – payments approved for release –‘N’ - learner is confirmed as being not in attendance –A further confirmation status will be available when the learner is not in attendance by virtue of moving their start date to a later date Actual attendance confirmation is required: –Initially – two weeks after learner starts course –Subsequently – quarterly - requested on the 1 st of the month for payment in that month and the remaining two months of the quarter –In between quarters, attendance, and therefore liability, is assumed on the first of every month in order to release payment later in the month Learners who require an attendance confirmation will be presented on worklist – no interrogation of system needed
Attendance and Payments (2) Payments scheduled on a flat monthly profile based on initial liability point and learning aim end date – equal instalments Payments made 3 rd Wednesday of the month – no interim / catch up payments Balancing payment made if notified learner completes before stated end date Learner cannot reduce their loan to less than what has already been paid to the provider - Provider will always have discretion to reduce this if they choose to
Attendance Confirmation and Payments Quarterly Attendance Dates (o=attendance, x=payment) LearnerAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay June Learner (A) Learning Aim Start 1 Aug 13, End June 14 ox xx xx xx x Learner (B) Learning Aim Start 20 Aug 13, End June 14 ox x xx xx x Learner (C) Learning Aim Start 3 Sep 13, End June 14 o xx ox xx xx x Learner (D) Learning Aim Start 30 Sep 13, End June 14 ooxx xx ox xx x Learner (E) Learning Aim Start 4Oct 13, End June 14 ooxx xx ox xx x Learner (F) Learning Aim Start 21 Oct 13, End June 14 ox xx xx x
Financials and Reports Loan Position Report will show the forecast of loan payments due to the provider including –Total value of approved applications –Forecast of loan payments for these applications –Loan amounts scheduled for payment due to attendance being confirmed –Loan amounts paid –Any blocked payments –Any amounts recovered Annual position breakdown by AY and FY Ability to view the data by month Statement available of each payment made Breakdown of each payment by learners and amounts paid
Visibility of current application volumes BIS will publish reports on the number of 24+ Advanced Learning Loan applications submitted –Released on a monthly basis until November 2013 –Information based on applications received by SLC High-level breakdown of applications by: –Processing position –Provision Type (Learning Aim Type) –Age band –Sex _and_research/24advancedlearningloans/
Application volumes - 31 st May 2013
Delivery Timeline
Support and Resources Learning Provider Services Website – –Guidance material and resources General queries on Administration Systems and Processes Regional Support from Partners Management Team – consultants.aspxhttp://lpservices.slc.co.uk/contact/fe-loans-product- consultants.aspx Operations Helpdesk for system queries –