Professional Development for Teachers in the use of ICTs for effective teaching and learning. Reflection on what the staff of St Andrews believes and value. Surveys were designed to elicit staff and student reflections on their learning
Professional Development Activities Professional development and training Staff briefing session Student Free Days (January) 19th April 2010, follow up sessions with year level teams. 2 nd planning sessions Week 10, Term 2 Incidental sessions and ‘just in time’ training Wednesday afternoon sessions, others as requested by teachers Planning and review sessions with Project Team External Consultant ½ day planning and discussion about the feasibility of the project and possible resources Teacher ICT Competency survey (All teachers involved in project) Student ICT survey Completed by a small selection of students in Prep – 3 Completed by all students in Year 4 -6
Do you know what Web 2.0 Technologies are? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 64.3%36 No 35.7%20 If yes can you list some which you may have used 37
Do you know what Web 2.0 Technologies are? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 40.6%97 No 59.4%142 If yes can you list some which you may have used 88
What software do you currently use for your classes? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count MS Word 91.2%218 MS Excel 10.9%26 MS PowerPoint 75.3%180 MS Publisher 24.7% %49 Moodle 87.9%210 Smartboard Notebook 66.5%159 Photo editing software 3.3%8 Other (please specify) 49
Learn faster Digital camera Games, science, Google Earth, moodle Find out things for UOI Movies, creating graphs, story writing, typing
More computers, more laptops Maths, touch typing programs Use , publisher, excel, Help me with my future Use moshi monsters, write stories, make art on the computer Ipads, iphones, listen to podcasts, DS Wireless not protected, bring own computers to school Using SmartBoard more often
How often do you use ICT Answer OptionsNeverRarelySometimesOften Response Count To access and organise my research and Units of Inquiry To create and share my learning with others
How often do you use ICT Answer OptionsNeverRarelySometimesOften Response Count To access and organise my research and Units of Inquiry To create and share my learning with others
I am confident using the following ICTs in the classroom Answer Options Response Percent Response Count MS Word 58.9%33 MS PowerPoint 51.8%29 Moodle (Yr 3) 69.6%39 Smartboard Notebook software 60.7%34 Web 2.0 tools 25.0%14
I am confident using the following ICTs in the classroom Answer Options Response Percent Response Count MS Word 89.6%199 MS Excel 15.3%34 MS PowerPoint 85.6%190 MS Publisher 33.8% %66 Moodle 86.5%192 Smartboard Notebook software 62.6%139 Blogs 36.9%82 Web Cam 12.6%28 Voice recording software 13.1%29 Photo editing software 7.7%17 Web 2.0 tools 33.3%74
I am confident using ICTs to create content and share my learning Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Never 5.4%3 Sometimes 50.0%28 Often 28.6%16 Always 16.1%9
I am confident using ICTs to create content and share my learning Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Never 6.3%14 Sometimes 48.2%107 Often 32.9%73 Always 12.6%28
Web 2.0 I have enjoyed using these Web 2.0 tools: Answer OptionsYesNo Haven't used yet Response Count wordle voicethread wallwisher blog (e.g. JS Library blog) Other Web 2.0 tools I have used 17
Web 2.0 I have enjoyed using these Web 2.0 tools: Answer OptionsYesNo Haven't used yet Response Count wordle glogster voicethread edmodo mindomo wallwisher blog (e.g. JS Library blog) Other Web 2.0 tools I have used 38
google images wordle, glogster, wallwisher, blog. mathletices moodle moodle and google moodle moodle smart board wordle moodle moodle,ms.word MS and MS excel. moodle Moodle gloster,modle,voice thred moodle group wise mathletics, moodle,rainforest maths mathletics moodle rainforestmath moddle mathleticts microsoft word and moodle. msn lindo
I have also used the following to help me with my Unit of Inquiry and school work. Answer Options Response Percent Response Count MS Word 58.9%33 MS PowerPoint 64.3%36 Skype 10.7%6 Internet search engines 67.9%38 JS Library webpage and fun stuff page 28.6%16 Other (please specify) 42.9%24
I have also used the following to help me with my Unit of Inquiry and school work. Answer Options Response Percent Response Count MS Word 91.0%202 MS PowerPoint 77.5%172 MS Excel 8.1%18 MS Publisher 31.5%70 Windows Movie Maker 4.1%9 Skype 8.6%19 Internet search engines 60.8%135 Moodle 87.4%194 JS Library webpage and fun stuff page 35.6%79 Other (please specify) 9.9%22
I believe using that ICTs is benefical for my learning. Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Never 1.8%1 Sometimes 55.4%31 Always 42.9%24 Why/why not? 19
I believe using that ICTs is benefical for my learning. Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Never 4.5%10 Sometimes 54.5%121 Always 41.0%91 Why/why not? 141
i think ICTs are a great way to learn things I would like to lean more about tecnolagey I THINK IT IS A GOOD THING TO LEARN. I REALY LIKE DOING IT I.THINK I COULD LEARN LOTS MORE FROM IT. I LIKE DOING IT I would like to type my work more computers in the class room I also like going to the D4lab I like going on modle,I like going to the D4 Lab, I would like to go on the computers more often. DS\ ipad/ ipod/ iphone xbox360, wii, ds, groove shark, PS2, ipod, PS3 colour printer video camera
I would LOVE to use Moshi at school in ICT!!! I love ICT because it is so much fun and you usually learn alot!!! I would like to have access to more laptops so we all have one to use and don't have to share more laptops i would like to have more laptops so we all can have one and not have to share more laptop i think ICTs are good enough now for the future i would like to use publisher I would like to use more interactive websites and have a laptop each to take home and bring back at the end of the year. We don't have to share the laptops and we can have one each. i use ICT for inquiry word and sometimes powerpoint MS word google,moodle every one should have a computer
Intranet – Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Reflection: DO OUR PERSONAL BELIEFS & VALUES CORRELATE TO THE BELIEFS AND VALUES OF SALC?
Assessment and reporting at St Andrews Lutheran College are based on the following fundamental beliefs: 1. Every student is able to learn 2. Individual progress of students should be celebrated 3. Students learn at different rates and in different ways
Students feel valued, safe, supported and respected Therefore we will: Develop positive relationships with students Promote risk-taking among students and provide a classroom that allows students to grow and develop Support the „whole ‟ child – spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally Listen to student ideas and opinions
Therefore we will: Make the relevance and purpose of activities clear to students Develop a classroom culture of questioning that extends critical thinking Provide open ended tasks with multiple entry points Plan for units of work and tasks to extend over a sustained period of time
Therefore we will: Allow students to make choices in their learning Base activities around student interests Communicate positive expectations and confidence in the learners ‟ abilities Encourage students to embrace challenges and inquire into topics of interest
Therefore we will: Assess prior knowledge, monitor and record student learning Plan activities that allow students to build on their prior knowledge Plan activities and make connections based around life like contexts Integrate across Key Learning areas where appropriate
Therefore we will: Acknowledge and value individual learning styles Effectively model enthusiasm for learning and scaffold how to learn Expose students to a variety of teaching strategies Provide a supportive environment where students can be risk takers Provide developmentally appropriate learning activities Acknowledge and celebrate success
Therefore we will: Allow students to work in groups, pairs or individually Develop a flexible classroom arrangement Provide access to adequate resources Cater for individual learning styles Acknowledge that social and emotional well being influences learning
Therefore we will: Encourage students to discuss ideas as they work Plan for a range of sharing experiences Provide models for effective reflection Inform students of learning outcomes Provide structures for descriptive feedback between students and teachers and students Foster a culture of seeking and considering a range of viewpoints
Therefore we will: Inform parents of year level programs and outcomes Seek to involve parents in classroom activities Respect parent knowledge as a learning resource Link classroom learning with the home
Therefore we will: Be involved in professional development internally and externally Aim for continual improvement of the teaching and learning program by being critically reflective of our practice Engage in collaborative planning and sharing between staff members Access current publications and resources