Transparenfy The identifier for questionable behavior
Corruption −What? −Corruption is the misuse of public power (by elected politician or appointed civil servant) for private gain. - CorruptieCorruptie −How? −Embezzlement −Fake name registering −Purchases −Who? −Politicians −Public workers −Contractors
Input −Different sources of information −Open Data −Civil Register −Commercial Register −Tax Office −Others
System Process −Algorithm −Data analysis −Monitoring −Real-time −Dynamic −Rule definition −Pattern recognition −Scalable Features −Proprietary −Hardware −Software −Closed −Internally managed
Output −Customized report −Flags −Questionable behavior
Customers ●Government ●Public institutions ●Media ●NGOs ●Concerned third parties
Benefits ●Investigation conducted by humans ●Decisions made by humans ●Time reduction in suspicious behavior identification ●Better resource optimization ●From a perception approach to empirical measurement ●Promotes transparency ●Encourages institutions to open more data ●Encourages legislators to regulate open information
Challenges -Risks -Reprisal/Retaliation -Threats -Difficulties -Incomplete basic information -Restrictions
Business models ●Public contractor ●Consultant ●Supplier profiling ●Transparency benchmarking ●Self-testing ●Big data feeder
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