AGBell – ENGT by Andrew G. Bell (260) Module 1 Global Perspective – Temperature
AGBell – ENGT Engineering Concepts in Technology Temperature – Man, its cold today. What is the temperature outside? We have all asked this question but we to understand the answer we must define what scale we are using? Celsius, Fahrenheit, Rankine, Kelvin, etc. If we said that the temperature is 32 degrees outside is this cold or hot? If it is 32°C the temperature is actually pretty warm out If it is 32°F is actually the temperature that water freezes If it is 32K the temperature is about the temperature of winter on Pluto If it is 32°R the temperature is slightly colder than liquid hydrogen So you see picking the right scale makes all the difference in the world.
AGBell – ENGT Team Assignment - As a team create a plot using Microsoft Excel that shows the relationship between Celsius and another temperature scale.Celsius Individual Assignment – Research the source of one of the temperature scales and post the your response in the course Discussion Board Engineering Concepts in Technology