How to Write a Persuasive Essay One Way on Yes, you need to be taking notes! Paragraph One: Hook your readers’ attention Provide some background End the paragraph with a clear statement of your point of view (thesis statement)
Paragraph Two: Present one supporting detail Give statistics, fact, examples, stories (anecdotes) - For example, on a thesis titled, “Why the Media Hurts Girls” This paragraph might be on depression. Paragraph Three: Present a second supporting detail Give statistics, fact, examples, stories (anecdotes) (Example: This one might be on eating disorders) Paragraph Four: What do people who don’t agree with you say? Give their viewpoint and then indicate why it’s not as accurate as yours
Paragraph Five: Restate the problem Sum up the main points in favor of your point of view What do you want your readers to do—call a congressperson, get involved, picket, write letters, stop buying meat? Give a call to action!