Buddhist Festivals and Milestones
Visakha Puja Day Full moon of May Believed to be day of birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha People gather at monasteries with flowers, candles and incense while reciting the 3 refuges
Magha Puja Day Full moon of March Celebrates the proclamation of basic Buddhist principles and a sermon called the Basis of Success Food offered to monks, and other activities that bring good karma
Loy Krathong (Festival of Floating Bowls) In Thailand on full moon of 12th lunar month Float bowls made of leaves on rivers Bowls contain candles and incense Believed that bowls carry bad luck away
Early life When a boy is 1 month old, he is taken to meet with a monk, and his head is shaved. Some boys will stay with monks for an extended time, as novices
Becoming a monk Stage one: Stage two: Starts at 7-8 years old Undertakes 10 precepts and acts as an attendant to a senior monk, who teaches him Stage two: Starts when 20, and is able to read Monks renounce their possessions and keep only that which is needed (robe, razor, alms bowl)
Marriage Bride and groom go to temple and receive a blessing from monk Monk does not attend wedding
Funeral Based on cremation customs in Hinduism Burial is permitted Ceremony consists of water-pouring rituals, cremation, final prayers, and a shared meal Monks perform a short service including chants Everyone recites the Triple Refuge and Five Precepts before pyre is lit