Osteoporosis By Sam McClure
Symptoms In the beginning stages, there is most likely no signs of Osteoporosis. Towards the middle, there is usually back pain (caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebrae,) Loss of height over a period of time, stooped posture, and bone fractures that appear to be happening more easily than usual. In the later stages of Osteoporosis, the symptoms tend to include pain, disfigurement, and debilitation.
Prevalence About 40 million people in the world have Osteoporosis. Statistics say that 16% of women, and 4% men have Osteoporosis ages 50 and older. It is most common in Caucasian and Asian people. 10 percent of women in their 60s, 27 percent of women in their 70s and 35 percent of women in ages 80 and older have the condition. About one in 10 people over 50 have osteoporosis. Among those who fracture their hip, 12 to 20% die within one year after the fracture and more than 50% of the survivors are unable to return to independent living The rate of hip fractures is two to three times higher in women than in men
Causes Important chemicals such as estrogen, testosterone, parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, and also blood factors that affect cell growth affects the changes in levels of any of these factors; which can lead to Osteoporosis. Women experiences a huge decline in bone density after menopause when her ovaries stop producing estrogen. Lack of Estrogen in women can cause Osteoporosis.
Treatments There are several treatments to cure Osteoporosis. Some of the ways are: Diet and Exercise regularly Medication And surgically (The doctor injects bone cement through needle into the crushed spinal bone.)
Interesting Facts 3 ways to avoid getting Osteoporosis is to avoid drinking alcohol, not smoking, and to get regular exercise. Soft drinks increase the risk to Osteoporosis. The word "osteoporosis" comes from the Greek words "osteon" meaning bone, and "poros", meaning a pore or a passage. People who have suffered from an eating disorder, such as anorexia, are more prone to developing osteoporosis Men tend to develop osteoporosis 10 – 15 years later than women do, because they are generally bigger and have more bone mass to lose. People who are thin or who have a small frame, are at greater risk for osteoporosis