Clinical Observations of Motor and Postural Skills- 2nd Edition (COMPS-2) Becca Price & Shelby Berthelot
Purpose Performance based screening test Descriptive measure that helps identify presence of motor problems with a postural component Helps identify if additional assessments need to be performed Determine type of intervention approach to use Children ages 5-15
Items 6 items: Slow Movements Rapid Forearm Rotation Finger-Nose Touching Prone Extension Posture Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex Supine Flexion Posture
Testing Procedures Recommended to perform 6 tasks in order Last 3 tasks must be performed in order Use standardized methods and exact wording in bold Therapist performs task first then instructs them to imitate
Test Development and Standardization Initial Test Went from 19 items to 6 Used by experienced pediatric Ots in 2 cities 123 children age 5 to 9.11 , 67 with DCD and 56 with no know motor problem Upward age extension 261 children between age 10-16
Psychometric Properties Reliability: Test-Retest = .92 Interrater (4 different raters) = .87 Internal Consistency = .75 Age 5- 9.11 = .77 Age 10- 15.11 = .69 Validity: Content- established by expert opinion Construct- empirical item analysis Test Sensitivity: 100% for ages 5,8,9 82% for ages 6 & 7 Low percentage for ages >9.11 Criterion Concurrent- BOTMP subtests, Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionaire Predictive- Correctly classified ~ 80% of the time
Test Length and Cost Takes about 15-20 minutes to administer and score Manual = $36 Score Sheets = $18 for 20 sheets
Test Results Less than a 0 indicates problems in motor and postural skills Greater than a 0 indicates normal functioning in motor and postural skills A weighted score is given for each of the 6 items and a weighted total score is given
Areas of Occupation Addressed Play Functional Mobility
Assessment Approach Bottom up Tests the different components of motor control Measures: Move slowly and symmetrically Cerebellar-vestibular integrity Cerebellar coordination Vestibular-proprioceptive processing dysfunction Degree of ATNR present Somato-dyspraxia
Where the Tool is Used Rehabilitation Clinic/ Health Care setting Education Setting Private Pediatric Clinic
Frame of Reference Motor control Movement disorder Postural stability Motor coordination
Measurement Concerns The assessment does not take into consideration children who have neurological or neuromotor problems, such as cerebral palsy or epilepsy. The results do not return normative data in the way of age equivalence. The assessment is not meant to measure change in motor function over time.
References Clinical Observations of Motor and Postural Skills: 2nd Edition (COMPS). (2012, January 1). Retrieved May 30, 2014, from Postural-Skills-2nd-Edition-COMPS-P7628.aspx Wilson, B., et al. (1992). Reliability and construct validity of the clinical observations of motor and postural skills. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 46(9), 775-783 Wilson, B., Pollock, N., Kaplan, B., & Law, M. (2000). Clinical Obervations of Motor and Postural Skills (COMPS-2) ( 2nd ed.). Framingham, MA: Therapro, Inc.