1 Humanitarian Dashboard Pakistan
2 Mission October Remote population of Dashboard, based on floods appeal, OCHA Sitreps, McRAM and VAM information. Consultations with cluster leads and IM focal points to raise awareness and buy-in from clusters ACE follow-up mission to populate DB & design of sustainable process
3 Main Findings Pressure from Government to improve reporting on needs, coverage and gaps The overview of sectoral needs, coverage and gaps varies among clusters, but tends to be weak both at the provincial and national level Clear need to improve analysis of needs and reporting at the inter-sectoral and sectoral level Interlocutors understand the added value of DB but voiced concern over feasibility, capacity constraints and duplication of reporting Opportunity: Single-reporting-format
4 Challenges Insufficient or immature cluster capacity Lack of strategic data, particular in terms of number of people in need Limited buy-in from some clusters because of stretched resources, competing reporting demands and inter-cluster coordination challenges Fear that the DB exposes weak data, does not present a complete/perfect picture Reluctance to vouch for information provided by cluster partners Concern by OCHA not to further burden over-stretched cluster leads Timing of Dashboard exercise: no prior introduction of tool before emergency
5 Observations A sustainable DB exercise needs to align itself with existing processes: –DB should be linked and benchmarked against the floods appeal –DB should make use of data collected through the Government requested Single-reporting- format and should be used to illustrate its findings
6 A sustainable DB exercise requires further: Stronger buy-in from clusters through, e.g: –Better dissemination and briefings of the DB approach at the country level –directives from HQ and Humanitarian Coordinator –guidance for cluster leads and IM focal points –clear allocation of responsibility at the country-level User-friendliness (OCHA is developing together with Google an easy accessible online environment to be shared/discussed with the NATF) Sufficient support from HC and OCHA management
7 Needs-assessment analysis: –Pakresponse.info counts 43 needs-assessment reports since onset of floods –None of them provides estimates of number in people of sectoral needs (VAM is exception) –Uncoordinated, geographically limited needs- assessment, lack of standardised indicators and sampling methods make it impossible to consolidate information in an meaningful way, in particular at the national level. –DB provides a place to analyse and illustrate best estimates of people in need for sectoral response
8 Design Most popular among interlocturs were the overview pages, in particular needs-coverage-gaps chart Current design perceived as too text-heavy Sectoral-pages vs. Sitrep
9 To consider What support and guidance can we give to clusters to deal with data from different sources or lack thereof? How do we deal with fear of exposing weak data? Who will implement DB at the country level (IM, cluster coordinator, needs-assessment coordinator)? Clarify link of DB to appeal and as an on-going monitoring tool Timing of DB and link to assessment tools ( such as Preliminary Scenario Definition, MiRA) User-friendliness – online environment for DB gives immediate cluster ownership over sectoral pages