HP Project & Portfolio Management Entering Actual Hours for Project work July 11, 2007 CIMpleBS.com/HP-PPM/Training-Time Sheets.pps By Dan Gallagher See NOTES page format for Presentation Discussion, Tips & Hints.
The Time Entry Dashboard may be your default dashboard depending on the roles that you have been assigned. The Left Navigation Bar (vertical gray bar on left) will contain menu selections corresponding to the licenses you have been given. Log-in & Home Page Enter HPPPM into your Browser address and the logon page is displayed. ( Your Supervisor must request access for the specific roles you will be assigned based on responsibilities. Any Problems with HP-PPM should be submitted to PPM Support. Enter your Network ID and login Time Sheets can be created several ways: Create Time Sheet from the Time Management Menu Create Time Sheet from your Time Sheet portlet Copy an existing time sheet Each Dashboard (accessible from the drop menu) consists of various portlets. The /time Entry Dashboard contains 3 portlets related to assignments. Page 2
Create Time Sheet You can only have one time sheet per week, so all project tasks will appear on a single time sheet (by project) A new time sheet will contain no tasks (see Add Items next). Create a Time Sheet opens this window. Select the desired week (the current period defaults) Select Create You can create a copy of an existing Time Sheet from within the Time Sheet as well After selecting the new period (same as above) Existing tasks will be copied to a new time sheet Actual hours entered will not be carried to the new period Page 3
Add Tasks Tasks can be added to your time sheet several ways: Select Add from My Items: A task list maintained by you is presented for task selection Click Add Items Button and select Suggested Items: All “Ready” Items Assigned to you and scheduled for this or an earlier period will be displayed Check the items you wish to add to your time sheet Click Add Click Add Task and Task Filters are displayed: All Filter Selections are “and” conditional Select the “Find Tasks to add to Time Sheet” Menu All tasks satisfying the filter are displayed Select the tasks you wish to add Select OK Page 4
Task Progress Reporting Hours are reflected on the project work plan as they are entered and Saved. Time Sheets must be submitted at COB (Close of Business) on Friday for Weekly Status Reporting. The task will not be reflected as Completed on the work plan as long as any resource is less than 100% complete. Submit time sheet on Friday Reporting week runs Saturday to Friday Task line Deletion, Notes & Activity Codes Check the box preceding the task name Select Line Details button to add a Note or Activity Code Update Hours Remaining at End of Week Hours Expected reflect scheduled, assigned hours Estimated Remaining Effort on Project Fields tab is automatically decremented based on Actual Hours entered. If the Estimated Remaining Effort is significantly off at the end of the week, advise your project manager and change the Estimated Remaining Effort to your best estimate. If you enter more Actual Hours than scheduled, the Remaining Effort will go to zero and your effort on the task will be automatically set to 100% Complete. Actual Start and Finish dates are maintained automatically for each resource assigned to the task. Enter hours worked by task on Time Breakdown tab: Enter hours in no less than.25 hour increments Enter daily and SAVE for desired accuracy Page 5