Dashboard program of work Julia Andreeva GS Group meeting
STEP09 follow up (ATLAS) ATLAS Data management: 1.Monitoring of broken subscriptions 2. Monitoring of queues of subscriptions 3. Monitoring of subscriptions not picked up 4. Information ordered by source 5. Development of drill down plots giving efficiency and bandwidth consumed in a given time period 6. Some work on the pre-stage monitoring, especially for staged files and datasets Ricardo is working on enabling of this functionality. Should be in place by mid October.
STEP09 follow up (ATLAS) Improvements are required for analysis job monitoring. Because of the differences in the CMS and ATLAS job monitoring schemas and lack of Dashboard reporting from the ATLAS analysis jobs steady progress done for the CMS analysis monitoring was not applied to the ATLAS Dashboard job monitoring instance. The plan is to upgrade ATLAS schema to make it consistent with the CMS one (Irina). Instrument Ganga and hopefully PANDA jobs for Dashboard reporting. Reporting is foreseen via MSG using library developed by Maciej. Create collectors from MSG to Dashboard DB (work already in progress, Irina).New fellow joining the group in the beginning of September should take care about instrumentation of the ATLAS analysis jobs and should adapt existing CMS applications for ATLAS (with the help of the primary authors of the CMS applications). (Time estimation is 2-3 months)
STEP09 follow up (CMS) No changes were introduces to the Dashboard program of work after analysis of STEP09. Currently the main goal is to provide reliable, complete and user-friendly monitoring for analysis support team and user community. New features foreseen – creating MonAlisa repostory for CPU, memory, wall clock consumption, IO, etc.. for analysis jobs. This runtime information should be linked from the Task Monitoring application. Close interaction with the CMS CRAB and ProdAgent development teams, Analysis support teams and MonAlisa developers.
Other directions of work Enabling historical distributions (quality and numerical metrics) for SiteView (Daniel) Enabling Dashboard monitoring of ALICE jobs submitted to CREAM CE (Timur) FTS monitoring (Ricardo, for 4 experiments, first prototype should be ready by the end of September for demo in Barcelona) CMS job monitoring with Google Earth for demo in Barcelona. Upgrade of the Site Availability application used by all four experiments to make it compatible with the new SAM DB schema.