Update: AUL Guidance Revisions October 23, 2014 Peggy Shaw Workgroup Chair 1
Process for Finalizing Guidance Public Review Draft released June 2014 External meeting July Expecting additional comments Additional meeting date(s)-TBD 2
Consistency with other Policies VI and LNAPL Section 1.5 states that barriers must in place prior to AUL implementation Section 2.6 – subsection describing indoor air as a medium? 3
Voluntary AULs vs. Non-AULs Section 1.6 Voluntary AULs allowed pursuant to 310 CMR (3) Non-AULs are other recorded documents not regulated by MCP 4
Sketch Plan to Delineate Multiple Barriers Section Previous policy required a survey plan when individual barrier restrictions are different Current draft allows delineation on the sketch plan, but must be accurate and provide adequate detail Related comment: clarify when NEW survey plans are required 5
Form 1075 Issues Permanent Solution/Temporary Solution language and ROS Language in parenthesis (e.g., Exhibit C) Exhibit E: Signatory Authority 6
Sequence of Signatures on AUL 310 CMR (2)(m) and Form 1075 Must owner’s signature precede LSP’s signature? 7