Epithalamus: Habenular Nuclei Thought to be involved in emotional and visceral responses to odors. Projects to septal nuclei (in thalamus) Via stria medullaris thalami. Projects to interpeduncular nucleus Via habenulointerpeduncular tract.
Epithalamus: Pineal Body Secretes melatonin (hormone): Regulates circadian rhythms. Activity is modulated by light-dark cycle: Via sympathetic inputs activated by hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus. Calcification accrues with maturity. Lesions associated with precocious puberty.
Thalamus 80 percent of diencephalon Separated from hypothalamus via: Hypothalamic sulcus (groove) Other landmarks: Optic recess Infundibular recess Pineal recess
Thalamus: Commissures Habenular : Above the pineal recess Posterior: Below the pineal recess
Thalamus: Functions Relays all sensory information except smell to the cerebral cortex. Provides crude awareness. Initial autonomic response of the body to intense pain (physiologic shock). Interpretation center for crude pain, temperature, light touch, pressure.
Thalamus: Functions Plays a role in arousal and alerting. Plays a role in complex reflex movements.
Thalamic Sensory Relay Nuclei Medial geniculate body: Auditory Projects to primary auditory cortex in temporal lobe Lateral geniculate body: Visual Projects to primary visual cortex in occipital cortex Ventral posterior nuclei: General sensations and taste
Thalamic Motor Relay Nuclei Ventral lateral: Voluntary motor Ventral anterior: Voluntary motor and arousal Subthalamic
Thalamus Reticular Nucleus Modifies neuronal activity in the thalamus. May be involved in regulating sleep-wakefulness cycle and levels of awareness.
Thalamus Anterior Nucleus Concerned with certain emotions and memory. Receives input from hippocampus and mamillary bodies (mamillothalamic tract).
Thalamus White Matter Internal capsule Stratum zonale External medullary lamina Internal medullary lamina