Federal Aviation Administration 0 0 FAA Hot Topics Reauthorization, Continuing Resolutions and Environmental Issues Federal Aviation Administration Presented by: Nancy S. Williams, P.E. FAA Airports Financial Assistance Division - Policy and Legislation AAAE Noise Symposium October 9, 2007
Federal Aviation Administration 1 1 FAA Currently operating under 7 week Continuing Resolution Through November 17, 2007 Extends same operating parameters as FY2007, which was in turn a full year Continuing Resolution Where We Are:
Federal Aviation Administration 2 2 This is actually much better than Reauthorization lapse of When we had 4 fiscal years in one year, because the money will not expire at the end of the CR In general, FAA will be able to continue administrative functions – Part 139 Safety Inspections, Grant Administration for Current Grants, Environmental Reviews and EISs. Funds will be available for “emergency” grants, but other grants will wait until after the reauthorization issues are resolved. What that Means:
Federal Aviation Administration 3 3 FAA Released NextGen Reauthorization Bill in Feb 2007 House version of Reauthorization (HR2881) passed September 20 Senate Commerce Committee released S1300, but it hasn’t gone to the floor yet. What Has Happened So Far:
Federal Aviation Administration 4 4 Two parallel tracks – Appropriations will either pass a full year appropriations bill or we may have a series of continuing resolutions – this will allow AIP to function as normal, except that entitlements will not be issued until either a full year appropriations or we hit the six-month mark. -Concurrent work on the reauthorization bills will continue as the Senate goes to the floor and then the House and Senate will go to Conference. -The final bill will be a result of the Conference What Happens Next:
Federal Aviation Administration 5 5 Primary Focus of New Environmental Provisions Many new provisions in House and Senate bill focus on environment Focus is in three areas – - Research -Demonstration Projects (Proof of Concept) - And Broadening of AIP eligibility for Environmental Initiatives
Federal Aviation Administration 6 6 Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) (Sec. 601 and 102) Makes ACRP permanent. Adds $5 million a year from AIP for environmental research for the airport environment, including— Reduction of community exposure to noise Reduction of aviation emissions Addressing water quality Both House and Senate versions similar to FAA request
Federal Aviation Administration 7 7 Environmental Mitigation Demonstration Pilot Program (Sec. 604 ) Authorizes up to 6 projects to demonstrate at public-use airports the practical benefits of promising research to reduce impacts on noise, air or water quality in the airport environment. 50% share funded from AIP noise/environmental set-aside, not to exceed $2.5 million AIP per project. FAA would identify and disseminate best practice information based on project results. Both House and Senate versions similar to FAA request, House allows use of PFCs as well
Federal Aviation Administration 8 8 Grant Eligibility for Assessment of Flight Procedures (Sec. 605) Allows AIP assistance for environmental review of FAA’s proposed implementation of noise abatement flight procedures approved in airport noise compatibility programs (Part 150). Purpose is to bring new noise abatement flight procedures on line faster for airports by providing same AIP-eligibility for environmental review as provided to FAA Airports Program. Operational procedures offer the most promise, prior to introduction of new technologies. Both House and Senate versions similar to FAA request
Federal Aviation Administration 9 9 Airport Funding of Special Studies or Reviews (Sec. 603) Broadens current authority for FAA and airport sponsors to enter into voluntary reimbursable agreements that are eligible for AIP assistance. Covers special studies/reviews needed for— Environmental reviews for airport development Environmental mitigation in an airport EIS/ROD Part 150 approved mitigation Offers more responsive approach to special airport requests. Both House and Senate versions similar to FAA request
Federal Aviation Administration 10 Extension of Grant Authority for Compatible Land Use Planning & Projects by State and Local Governments (Sec. 315) Extends to Sept. 30, 2010, for grants to state & local governments for compatible land use planning & projects around large & medium hub airports with no or outdated Part 150 programs. Program currently sunsets Sept. 30, 2007; insufficient time to determine worth of program. House included, Senate did not – may be an oversight in Senate Bill since it provided for funding in a Senate section
Federal Aviation Administration 11 AIP in General Both House and Senate versions include AIP increases for each of the 4 years of the authorization – $3.8 Billion in FY2008, increasing to $4.1 B in FY2011 House bill includes PFC increase to $7.00, Senate did not include a PFC increase
Federal Aviation Administration 12 AIP in General No formula changes for entitlement calculations State Apportionment and NPE calculated independently Discretionary setaside calculations – Environmental Setaside fixed amount Minimum discretionary increased to $520 million