Show, Discuss, and then Listen Engaging Students with Polling and AppSharing Jun Yang University of Maryland
Undergraduate Technology Apprenticeship Course 3-credit course which provides technical and pedagogical skills instruction to prepare students to support faculty in their uses of technology in the classroom and in Blackboard course space.
Question for discussion Which of the following are some challenges to engage students with course content – Students don’t prepare adequately to participate in class. – Students are just taking notes in class – Students are multitasking. – Students don’t want to speak up in front of the class. – Lecture is boring. – More…?
Strategy 1: Polling Wimba Polling (online version of Clickers?) Pre-lecture: – Orientation and review – Discussion warming up – Self exam, Example:
Mid-lecture Questions during lectures: – Assess understanding on the fly Example:
Post- lecture assessment Problem-solving questions Example:
Graded polling and non-graded polling (Extra credit) Quick Polling
Embed a picture to a polling question
Embed an audio clip to a polling
Embed a video to a polling question
Benefits of Using Wimba Polling Assessment and feedback on the fly: Measure student preparation and understanding. Shift focus from instructor to student. Forced active participation Re-engages students with the topic. Hear from every student in class Re-directing teaching to gaps and target teaching to misunderstood knowledge. Visual representation of different perspectives
Benefits of Using Wimba Polling Engagement + Active Learning + Assessment
Issues? Class-size: Polling works better with big or small class? What kinds of polling questions are considered good question in class? Take time to prepare and plan for the session.
Strategy 2 Application Share
Application Sharing Demonstrate their understanding on the lecture topics during the class. Office hours Student presentation Students Group Study and Team meeting
Application Sharing Give students App-sharing privilege. (promote) Prepare students using application sharing. Let students know each of them will have the opportunity to instruct to the whole class in class.
Application Sharing Close other applications, session will run faster Have the application ready before you start. Slow down and pause for time to time. Network connection speed Keep the sharing content in “Content Frame” or in “ a new window”. Share Window or screen or full desk top?
Virtual Study Space
Contact Jun Yang Instructional Designer Learning Technologies Office of Information Technology University of Maryland