Technology in the 21 st Century Quick and fast advent of technology tools, innovations, and progression Digital and online technology is impacting all.


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Presentation transcript:

Technology in the 21 st Century Quick and fast advent of technology tools, innovations, and progression Digital and online technology is impacting all aspects of our lives

DE and Technology DE offers many advantages including accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and opportunity for learning anytime anywhere (Moore & Kearsley, 2005). Previously, DE was limited to correspondence education With the advent of technology, DE has reached new heights and with different and innovative modes of delivery including blended learning

Research and DE Research has supported the fact that DE can be as effective as traditional in-class teaching Numerous research studies and meta-analyses

Bernard et al Question: How does distance education compare to classroom instruction? Measures: Achievement, Attitudes and Retention

Results Total number of studies: K = 232 Inclusive dates effect sizes of all dependent variables Overall achievement, g+ ≈ 0.00 and heterogeneous

Mean and Variability

Results Split between synchronous and asynchronous DE Synchronous achievement, g+ ≈ –0.05, heterogeneous Asynchronous achievement, g+ ≈ +0.10, heterogeneous Meta-regression revealed, after accounting for study quality (up to 50% of variance), pedagogy accounted for more variation than media use

DE and Interactivity Learner-centered environments are advocated by many educators and researchers in the 21 st century (APA, 1997; Laurillard, 2002; McCombs, 2000) Within DE, three main interactions are advocated as important for enhancing the learning experience and process (Moore, 1989) ▫Learner-Instructor ▫Learner-Learner ▫Learner-Content

Learner-Instructor Interaction Refers mainly to the communication between the learner and the instructor

Learner-Learner Interaction Refers to various forms of interaction among learners including general communication or more focused group work

Learner-Content Interaction Refers to the learners’ interaction with the content matter in order to construct meaning, enable knowledge building and transfer, and support problem solving

Bernard et al Question: What instructional approaches, technology applications, etc. make a difference in learner success* when DE studies are compared to DE studies? Measures: Achievement, Attitudes and Retention

Results Sorted 74 achievement and 44 attitude effects into LL, LT and LC categories The presence of any type of interaction enhances achievement outcomes (Mean ES=0.38) Increasing cognitive engagement improves achievement This is especially true for Learner-content interaction and any combination that involves Learner-content interaction

HBMeU: An Innovative Approach to DE e-Total Quality Management College (eTQM) set up in September 2002 Evolved into an e-Learning University renamed Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University in honour of HH the Crown Prince of Dubai in February 2009 Uses blended learning approach combining face- to-face, online, and self-paced learning forms

Blended Learning


Virtual Classroom: WIMBA

Technology enabled environment LEARNERS Learner - learner Facilitating Learner Interactivity at HBMeU

Technology enabled environment FACULTY (FULL TIME /ADJUNCT) Faculty - faculty LEARNERS Learner - learner Facilitating Learner Interactivity at HBMeU

Technology enabled environment FACULTY (FULL TIME /ADJUNCT) Faculty - faculty LEARNERS Learner - learner STAFF Staff - staff Facilitating Learner Interactivity at HBMeU

Technology enabled environment FACULTY (FULL TIME /ADJUNCT) Faculty - faculty LEARNERS Learner - learner E- LEARNING AND IT SUPPORT TEAM Members - members STAFF Staff - staff Facilitating Learner Interactivity at HBMeU

Technology enabled environment FACULTY (FULL TIME /ADJUNCT) Faculty - faculty LEARNERS Learner - learner E- LEARNING AND IT SUPPORT TEAM Members - members STAFF Staff - staff Facilitating Learner Interactivity at HBMeU

Technology enabled environment FACULTY (FULL TIME /ADJUNCT) Faculty - faculty LEARNERS Learner - learner E- LEARNING AND IT SUPPORT TEAM Members - members STAFF Staff - staff Facilitating Learner Interactivity at HBMeU

Learner-Instructor Interaction Blended learning minimizes isolation through online (synchronous & asynchronous) and face to face meetings MOODLE provides opportunities for asynchronous communication WIMBA most important technological supporter for learner-instructor interactions Regular s and mobile texting The use of learner-centred course design

Learner-Learner Interaction Blended learning minimizes isolation through online (synchronous & asynchronous) and face to face meetings MOODLE provides opportunities for asynchronous communication WIMBA most important technological supporter for learner-instructor interactions Regular s and mobile texting The use of learner-centred course design and collaborative learning projects

Learner-Content Interaction MOODLE and its role as a central repository for resources and a platform for discussion forums and boards, wikis, and glossary options WIMBA and its archiving feature Course design and the richness in provided resources Collaborative projects allowing for an authentic experience with many of the presented concepts Use of e-library and digitized material

Learners’ Perceptions Positive feedback with overall learning experience Allowing for flexibility and accessibility Allowing for pursuing formal education without hindering the professional growth and social commitments

Future Research In-depth investigation addressing: ▫Particular aspects of the course design ▫How to best ensure the learners’ success and satisfaction ▫Empirically validating the model with regard to some selected outcome variables

Thank you……….