Introduction of Linux Course: COSC 513 Student: Liang He Prof: Dr. Morteza Anvari
Contents Linux History Linux Branches Properties of Linux Linux Distribution Software on Linux Reference
Linux History Linux was initially created as a hobby project by a young student, Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in Finland. 1991, the first version 0.02 was released by Linus. Version 1.0 of the Linux Kernel was released in The current full-featured version is 2.4 (released January 2001) and development continues.
Linux Branches Linux development has split into two different branches: 1.0 & is supposed to be a more stable, dependable version of Linux --1.1is a more daring, quicker developing and therefore (unfortunately) more buggy version of Linux.
Properties of Linux(1) Linux is free -- Free download, free distribution, free update and free available source code Linux is portable to any hardware platform -- runs on many different CPUs, not just Intel Linux was made to keep on running -- Linux system run without rebooting all the time
Properties of Linux(2) Linux is secure and versatile -- The security model used in Linux is based on the Unix idea of security, which is known to be robust and of proven quality. The Linux OS and Linux applications have very short debug-times -- both errors and people to fix them are found very quickly
Linux Distribution RedHat Linux Linux Mandrake Corel Linux Debian/GNU Slackware SuSE Linux Caldera OpenLinux
Software on Linux (1) LILO: --Linux Loader, when you have one and more other operating systems. Office Suite: --Like the microsoft office. Two Popular are Corel's WordPerfect Suite and Sun ’ s StarOffice Text Editors: --Emacs Editor is a very popular text editor in the Linux world
Software on Linux (2) Emulators : -- allow users to run DOS or Windows files directly in the Linux system.Two popular DOS emulators are DosEmu and Xdos, Windows emulation is Wine. X Window System : -- allows graphical interface on the Linux system.
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