Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission Vacuum system for the AREAL linear accelerator Vacuum Systems A.Gevorgyan.


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Presentation transcript:

Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission Vacuum system for the AREAL linear accelerator Vacuum Systems A.Gevorgyan

Table of contents Design Fabrication Vacuum assembly Control system Test -stand

Design Vacuum system in AREAL linear accelerator will be designed as an ultra-high vacuum system,thus is means that the selected materials,device and components must satisfy this criteria: oil-less pumps surface treatment  low outgasing rate construction solutions materials The design goal of vacuum is an average preasure mbar.

Accelerator 3D model

Fabrication Vacuum chamber will be fabricated from AISI 316-L steinless steel. All chosen devices and hardwares,will be from steinless steel 316-L or 304, i.e (valves,flanges,belows,bolts). Vacuum chamber sectors will be joined togather with CF flanges(2”).

Vacuum assembly Vacuum pump down will be done using portable TPS turbopumping system with integrated scroll pump,that can be wheeled to any area.Ultimate pressure mbar. Base Pressure1X10 -9 mbar(*)(CFF Flanges) – 1X10 -8 mbar (ISO Flanges) Pumpdown Time (14lt volume) 80sec (100mbar); 110sec (10mbar); 155sec (10 -4 mbar); 400sec (10 -5 mbar) Start-up Time15sec Operating PositionAny Operating Ambient Temperature5 o C to 35 o C Input Voltage and Frequency115Vac 60Hz or Vac 50/60Hz Maximum Input Power260VA Bakeout Temperature120 o C at inlet (CFF Flanges) – 80 o C at inlet (KF/ISO Flanges) CommunicationRS232 – Analogical I/O Weight16.7Kg (36.8lbs)

Each dipole magnet chamber will have a port for Ion pump and approximately the straight sections too. Ultimate pressure for this pumps are mbar.They are monitored and operate via dual controllers. Operating voltage 7kV. pumping speed 55 and 65 litr/sec

Gate valves will be used to divided the main sectors,one of them for the electron gun protection will be fast closing( )msec.Operating air pressure for valves are 5-8 atm.Open and close time sec. Angle valves will be used for changing the pumping direction. The all valves are CF flange type  copper seals  UHV. The operating of vacuum valves will be done with local control system.There will be total 2 gates and 1 angle valve for the system.

Each sector of vacuum system will have one measuring array,including Pening and Bayard-Alpert gauge allowing preasure measurements from atmospheric pressure down to mbar.The all gauges monitored and controlled via multigauge controller. B-A gauge installed to the system with CF flange  UHV.

Control system

Test –stand