WHAT IS IT? Vacuum pump Principal of thermal transpiration temperature gradient causing the gas molecules to move from one side of the tube to the other cold to hot Can be used to create high pressure (compressors) or low pressure (vacuum pump)
BENEFITS OF KNUDSEN PUMPS No moving parts High reliability Can efficiently pump light gases; e.g Helium and Hydrogen
KNUDSEN PUMP EXAMPLE Size only 1.5mm x 2mm One of the few Knudsen Pumps capable of operating at atmospheric pressure Generates a pressure of 0.46atm (approx 47,000Pa) Max operating pressure is determined by the hydraulic diameter of the narrow channels Smaller channel diameter = higher operating pressure 80mW of input power
USES: PNEUMATIC ACTUATION How it works Compressed air enters an opening in a cylinder and pushes against the interior and the piston When the force is increased enough the piston drops and the force accelerates the load, converting pneumatic to linear mechanical power
BENEFITS OF PNEUMATIC ACTUATION Provide clean, quiet motion Less waste heat and electromagnetic interference than electric counterparts Good for applications that involve fast repetitive moves, heavy loads or smooth motion profiles Safe for hazardous environments where electric sparks must be avoided
STILL TO DO Work out what application on aircraft a Knudsen pump could be applied Determine the design of the pump for that application Test through simulation