5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)1 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Gain Fluctuations of Cryogenic Amplifiers Juan Daniel Gallego, Isaac López-Fernández,Carmen Diez, Alberto Barcia Centro Astronómico de Yebes Observatorio Astronómico Nacional Apartado 148, Guadalajara, SPAIN
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)2 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Contents n Introduction l Allan variance vs. Spectrum of Gain Fluctuations l Specifications n Measuring methods and examples n What do we know: l Device Technology l Temperature l Repeatability l Bias point n Conclusions
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)3 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Radiometer Sensitivity n Radiometer model n Radiometer sensitivity (total power radiometer) n Radiometer
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)4 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Gain Stability Characterization n Allan Variance of Normalized Gain (unitless): l Time domain l Astronomer's choice n SNGF (units: 1/√Hz, sometimes 1/Hz ): l Spectrum of Normalized Gain Fluctuation l Frequency (video) domain l Engineer's choice
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)5 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Allan Variance vs. SNGF
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)6 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Conversion of SNGF to Allan Variance n SNGF in 1/√Hz units: n Ambiguity: Note that the inverse mapping is not unique (more information in SNGF) However in practical cases with random signals the inverse conversion is “valid”
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)7 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Why using SNGF ? n Example: l 1 Hz gain oscillation (typical refrigerator cycle) l A=2E-4 ( dB pp) l Typical InP amplifier fluctuation n Result: l Allan Variance “bump” spread over time (0.1-1 sec)
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)8 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Why using SNGF ? (real world)
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)9 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Real receiver: CAY 40m
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)10 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Real receiver: CAY 40m VLBI
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)11 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Real receiver: CAY 40m VLBI
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)12 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Specs of Gain Fluctuations (examples) n HERSCHEL: l Far Infrared and Submillimeter 3.5 m Telescope orbiting in L2 with 3 cryogenic instruments l HIFI: Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared with 7 dual polarization submillimeter SIS and HEB receivers l Low noise, wide band 4-8 GHz cryogenic IF preamplifiers l Specification for cryo amplifiers: n ALMA: l Atacama Large Millimeter Array (USA, Europe, Japan), 64 Antennas, GHz l 4-8 and 4-12 GHz cryogenic IF preamplifiers (bands 7 and 9)
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)13 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Gain Fluctuation Measurements Measurement of individual amplifiers Details in ALMA memo 560
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)14 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Measurement Systems
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)15 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Performance of Signal Generators
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)16 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Measurement example
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)17 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Lessons Learned n Classical approach: noise input l High MW gain needed (many amp. stages or complete radiometer) l Sensitivity limited at high audio frequencies (noise bandwidth) n This approach: single tone l Good generator or VNA needed l Characterization of individual amplifiers (even a single stage!) l Information at different input frequencies in the band l Good sensitivity at high audio frequency (generator + FFT) l Highly immune to interferences (VNA) l Information on phase noise possible (VNA) è New VNAs (PNA) not as good as old models (8510) for stability measurements n Measurements are slow and should be done very carefully l Stable temperature in the lab l No cell phones!
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)18 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Gain Fluctuation Origin n Origins l External è Power supply è Temperature variations (refrigerator cycle) è Microphonics (vacuum pumps) l Internal è Intrinsic to the devices n Typical Intrinsic Spectrum of Cryogenic Amplifiers α 1/2
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)19 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Is the Power Supply important? n Possibilities: l Constant Vd, Vg l Constant Id, Vg (variable Vd) l Feedback: Constant Vd, Id (controlled Vg) n Power supply must be low noise l Examples: Agilent N3280 or classical NRAO feedback supply l Typically the gain fluctuation caused by noise from the power supply is more than two orders of magnitude below the observed values in cryogenic amplifiers n Best results always obtained with feedback supply l but not much improvement at cryogenic temperature n Worst results obtained with constant Id, Vg
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)20 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Illustration of the reduction of Id fluctuation with Feedback Power Supply at T=15 K YCF 4001 Vd=1.10 Id=3 Rd=172 T=14 K, Constant Vd, Vg YCF 4001 Vd=1.10 Id=3 Rd=172 T=14 K, Constant Id, Vg YCF 4001 Vd=1.10 Id=3 Rd=172 T=14 K, Feedback Supply
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)21 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Coherence of Gain-Id fluctuations (ambient) Measurements on 1 stage amplifier (YCF4001) Peak at 10 Hz Very strong coherence at low drain voltage (linear part of Id-Vd curve) Only partial coherence at the “optimum” bias The DC current fluctuation does not follow the same pattern Worst results obtained with constant Id and Vg Best results obtained with feedback supply
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)22 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Coherence of Gain-Id fluctuations (cryogenic) Measurements on 1 stage amplifier (YCF4001) Low coherence (only observed at high Vd) Higher values of gain fluctuation and Id fluctuation at cryogenic temperature No (significant) improvement with feedback supply
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)23 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) What can be done? Unfortunately DC and MW fluctuation appear to be non- coherent at optimum bias and cryo temperature → power supply does not help much n Similar to problem with Rds and Gm (different values at low and MW, related with trap time constants) n Use of “pilot” signals has been suggested sometimes (E. Wollak 1995, S. Weinreb) n In this work: modulation at audio frequency of bias supply (low level, ~60 KHz, cryogenic temperature) for sampling Gm was tried. A coherence of 0.3 with was found n More work needed
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)24 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Intrinsic Gain Fluctuations Dependence n Improvements in Noise l Shorter gate length l HEMTs l InP substrate l Cryogenic Temperature n Improvements in Gain Stability l Larger gate area l Non HEMT l GaAs substrate l Ambient Temperature n Conclusion: l Advances in the reduction of Noise Temperature have contributed to increase Gain Fluctuations
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)25 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Material (InP vs. GaAs) and Temperature (amb. vs. cryo.)
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)26 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Frequency Band T N [K] ~ ½ f [GHz]
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)27 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Different Frequencies in the Band
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)28 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Defective Materials Manchester 0.13×200 m Run March 2011 Bad material, ~ 4 times more fluctuation Noise was almost normal
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)29 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Statistical Analysis: Results of long series (1) n Analyzed two series of 9 and 10 state-of-the-art 4-8 GHz cryogenic amplifiers designed and built at CAY with microstrip hybrid technology: l Development models for Herschel space telescope (all cryogenic LNAs for HIFI) è 2 stages of InP NGST transistors è Design constrained by space qualification l Pre-production phase of ALMA (cryogenic LNAs for the European contribution) è 3 stages of InP NGST and ETH transistors. è Based on HIFI design, with more degrees of freedom
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)30 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Statistical Analysis: Results of long series (2)
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)31 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Statistical Analysis: Results of long series (3) n Mean values of noise and fluctuations are similar in both series n Excellent repeatability in noise and gain n Greater dispersion of gain fluctuations results 1 Hz and spectral index) n HIFI dispersion in fluctuations significantly wider than ALMA l Bias conditions homogeneous for both series l Different transistor batch used for each series of amplifiers Some transistor batches exhibit high scattering of gain fluctuations within devices of the same batch not shown in noise results Observed also a significant batch to batch variation
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)32 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Bias Point (1) n Tested the variation of gain fluctuations and noise with Vd, Id o Found a steep change in gain fluctuations around V o Noise (and gain) are much more insensitive to bias changes o High fluctuation zones could be avoided with no penalty in noise or gain l Gain fluctuations when Id
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)33 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Bias Point (2) n Tested also fluctuations of gate voltage with HP35670A Found similar bias dependence n Simple measurements of voltage fluctuations may help detecting sensitive bias regions n Correlation with gain fluctuations for different devices useful for pre-selecting least fluctuating devices from a batch 10 Hz 1 Hz
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)34 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) Conclusions n The reduction in noise and the increase in bandwidth of modern cryogenic amplifiers have made more prominent the problem of gain fluctuations n Data on gain fluctuations of cryogenic amplifiers collected over the years n Systematic measurement with a VNA are possible, although very time consuming n The reduction (or at least some control) of the gain fluctuations is possible with an adequate selection of devices and bias n Lack of theoretical model
5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari 13/05/ 11)35 Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Obs. Astronómico Nacional, IGN (Spain) END