GlueX Software/Simulations Development of a “matrix” of detector parameters, and an understanding of the factors that define these parameters (Alex, Curtis, Ed) Simulations/Software group will use predominantly HDFast to verify these parameters (All) Series of conference calls related specifically to the start/vertex counter (Andi, Werner, Curtis, Ed, Alex, Richard, Dave Doughty, …)
Software Development HDFast – Paul will continue to work on regaining trace information, which is particularly important for timing studies HDGeant – Richard will continue background studies, and development of C++ event model Cerenkov – IU will take responsibility for initial studies Geometry – continued updates, especially UPV, and Start/Vertex Counter
Near Term GlueX Portal at Regina –General agreement that we will use this as a document repository and communication tool –Zisis and Curtis will work on “automation” of document collection –Integration of Jlab mailing lists (announcements and minutes of meetings) Software Meetings –Tues. 1pm EDT – focusing on simulations over the next while
Longer Term Software Management Structure –“gatekeeper” model, a more structured environment, like in HEP –Use of BitKeeper for new projects; seems to be the best match to this structure Make system -> gmake (DL working on upgrades/reorganization) Reconstruction –HDGeant to generate “hits” information –Need a framework to begin processing this information –Identification of various sources of code that may be tailored to our needs