The geo-wiki open data project: harnessing the power of volunteers and experts to improve data quality on global land-use Steffen Fritz & Mathias Karner Ecosystem Services and Management Program (ESM) IIASA
Nature Correspondence, Citizens add to satellite forest maps, Velde, See, Fritz, 342 | NATURE | VOL 490 | 18 OCTOBER 2012
Land Cover GLC2000 (1km) MODIS v.5 – 2005 (500m) GlobCover 2005, 2009 (300m) GLC v.2 (1km) Regional products (CORINE, Africover) National products
Why is it so important to improve global land cover? Critical input dataset for many societal benefit areas, e.g. Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Energy, Climate, Disasters Originally focus and applications - field of climate change projections Now increasing demand from the integrated assessment community and the global biophysical modelling community, e.g. REDD Cropland extent has been neglected, but is crucial for applications in the field of food security, assessing yield and production gaps Also important for investment decisions both by governments as well as foundations (e.g. Gates)
Disagreement in Africa in the cropland domain between GLC-2000 and MODIS v. 5 Fritz et al ERL, 2012
Motivations behind Geo-Wiki When different products are compared, there is a lot of disagreement between them One product might say cropland, another grassland Confusing if you are a user – which one is correct? Which is the best product to use? Disagreement overall and/or spatially Google Earth is one of the only affordable tools available to collect validation points globally (e.g. GlobCover, latest Chinese product) Repository of validation/calibration data Create a hybrid global land cover map (i.e. improve land cover)
Geo-wiki makes GEO data easy to visualize and analyze. Volunteers from around the globe can classify Google Earth imagery, input their agreement/ disagreement with the existing data 8
Spatial Disagreements
Hybrid cropland map
Collected more than validation points
Field Size
Human Impact / Wilderness
Geo-Wiki Family of Crowdsourcing Tools Contributes to Open Data Livestock
New Technologies: Geo-Wiki mobile
Collecting Ground Data
Gaming Civilization –Paint the landscape –Facebook ~ 93 million audience Tile game Taginator Missions and conspiracies Geocaching
Game for Land Cover validation 27
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