2015-11-181 Status of Nuclear Data Processing Codes at CNDC China Nuclear Data Center(CNDC) China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE) P.O.Box 275-41,Beijing.


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Presentation transcript:

Status of Nuclear Data Processing Codes at CNDC China Nuclear Data Center(CNDC) China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE) P.O.Box ,Beijing , P.R.China Liu Ping

Contents Introduction Nuclear Data Processing Code - Data processing code based on NJOY - Ruler Preparation of Data Library Summary

1. Introduction

The purpose of our data processing activities - Nuclear data Verification and Validation for CENDL - Preparation of application libraries from evaluated data files The current commonly used data processing codes NJOY - Version: NJOY The most widely used applied code system PREPRO2015 Ruler - Our own nuclear data processing code - Partial modules of Ruler have been used for processing data files

To meet the requirement of improving nuclear data processing capability, some activities are being carried out at CNDC, including: Development of nuclear data processing code system based on NJOY Improvement of Ruler Updating ACER module of NJOY99 Preparation of application libraries in specified format

2. Nuclear Data Processing Code

Data processing codes based on NJOY Only NJOY (NJOY99.396) NJOY can be used to generate - ACE format data files - WIMS-D format data files - MATXS format data files - Other format data files

Data processing codes based on NJOY NJOY plus the interface code AMPX format dada files Specified format data files

Basic way API-centric Code Structure Our own data processing code -Ruler

Ruler ModuleFunctionPriorityContents MainMain codeLowMain code ENDF_IOI/O of ENDF filesHighRead and write ENDF, PENDF and GENDF files PUB_SUBPublic subroutinesLowPublic subroutines needed for other modules MATHCommon mathematics functionsLowCommon mathematics functions needed for other modules RXSPResonance reconstructionLowReconstruct resonance cross sections from resonance parameters DOPPLERDoppler-broadenedLowGenerate Doppler-broadened cross sections NURDUnresolved resonance self-shieldedHighProduce effective self-shielded cross sections in unresolved energy range TSCThermal scattering data processingHighGenerate point-wise scattering cross sections in the thermal energy range KDCHeating processingHighGenerate heat production cross sections and damage energy production GACProduction of multi-group constantsHighProduce multi-group cross sections, group-to-group scattering matrices GWIMSWIMS interfaceHighPrepare libraries for the reactor physics codes WIMS

Ruler Flow chart for generating data library

Ruler The characteristics of Ruler Independent ENDF I/O module/library Easy for maintenance and extension Relatively easy for modification when the ENDF format is changed Running environment WindowsLinux Operation systemWinXP SP3 and its higher versionCentOS 5 and its higher version Compilation environment Visual Studio Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 Intel Visual Fortran v9 Memory≥2G

Ruler Ruler physics Ruler can be used for - Generating WIMS-D/WIMS-D + format data files - Generating continues energy point format cross sections - Processing resonance parameters with R-matrix Limited format

Ruler ENDF_I/O The I/O consists of two parts, data type and user interface ENDF files types

Ruler User interface and function of ENDF_IO InterfaceFunction Subroutine read_endf_file(fin,endf,mat)Read data from(P)ENDF files Subroutine read_gendf_file(fin,endf,mat)Read data from GENDF files Subroutine write_endf_file(fout,endf,overwrite)Write onto a(P)ENDF files Subroutine write_gendf_file(fout,endf,overwrite)Write onto aGENDF files Subroutine del_endf(endf)Release memory space Subroutine del_gendf(gendf)Release memory space Interface insert_mtInsert file onto specified position Interface find_mtFind specified MT file

Ruler The differences of Ruler and NJOY Processing way - Ruler: API-centric - NJOY: File-centric Computation time Nuclide Running time (s) DOPPLER/RulerBROADR/NJOY 232 Th U U U Pu Nuclide Running time (s) GAC/RulerGROUPR/NJOY 130 I Ac U


Ruler Different capture KERMA calculation formula HEATR/NJOY (1) (estimates the recoil duo to capture using conservation of momentum. ) KDC/Ruler Using conservation of kinetic energy (2) The deexcitation energy is the excitation energy ( ) According to the conservation of kinetic energy, then (3)

There are big differences between NJOY and Ruler in the low energy region Ruler

3. Preparation of Data Library

The processed data format ACE format WIMS-D/WIMS-D + format AMPX format Specified format The application codes using processed data MCNP PASC WIMSD5B SCALE4.3 Other code

The characteristics of group structure Using fixed group structure of NJOY - Continuous energy point for ACE libraries - Multi-group for deterministic code 69, 172, 171, 238 etc. Designing the group structure The basic method is using fine group structure for main library, and broader group structure for working library - Main library with hundreds of group - Working library with less group

4. Summary

Current CNDC activities on nuclear data processing code were presented Possible work to be made: Application of Ruler - More test of code is needed Internal test Public test - Code release? Function extension of Ruler - Add photon processing module in Ruler - Add more interface modules Modification of ENDF_IO module for new data format