Human Dimensions of Divine Worship
Source and manifestation of the church’s life Interaction between Tradition & contemporary life Central & local church Internal & outreach Community politics Aesthetics Ethics Liturgy may be bad for you Basic Concepts
Apostolic Letter for the Year of the Eucharist: Mane Nobiscum Domine, Oct. 2004: Eucharist as source and manifestation of unity of the church Eucharist as source and manifestation of unity of the church Encourages personal (non-sacramental) practices that had fallen into some disuse = “devotional” approach to prayer Encourages personal (non-sacramental) practices that had fallen into some disuse = “devotional” approach to prayer Patriarchal nature of the church represented in Eucharist = “restorationist” approach to church Patriarchal nature of the church represented in Eucharist = “restorationist” approach to church Stress on the implications of Eucharist for social justice and solidarity, but not for ecology. Stress on the implications of Eucharist for social justice and solidarity, but not for ecology.
“Liturgical Inculturation” The alteration of standard Christian rites developed in other cultures or times so that their symbolism is intelligible, both as affirmation and as critique, in new cultures.
Inculturation is a two-way process An existing form of Christianity is changed by a newly encountered culture An existing form of Christianity is changed by a newly encountered culture An existing culture is changed by Christianity An existing culture is changed by Christianity
Times and places
Christian tradition Christian tradition Is a process of integration of Christian faith with new cultures Is a process of integration of Christian faith with new cultures Is not unilinear but a constantly changing network of inculturations Is not unilinear but a constantly changing network of inculturations
Inculturation Christian tradition is a series of inculturations Christian tradition is a series of inculturations It is a process of integration of cultures with Christian faith It is a process of integration of cultures with Christian faith It involves a two way critique It involves a two way critique It includes a critique of existing structures of domination within a culture It includes a critique of existing structures of domination within a culture It can result in the cultural capture of the Church It can result in the cultural capture of the Church
Interaction between Tradition & contemporary life Central & local church Internal & outreach Community politics Aesthetics Ethics
Liturgical inculturation and liturgical renewal Movements to inculturation Recent official documents
Centralizing The Current Liturgical Climate Diverse
Key features of a liturgical renewal Liturgical leadership Gender-inclusive language
Holy God Christ Spirit Creator Redeemer Sanctifier Source of all being Eternal Word Holy Spirit Earth-maker Pain-bearer Life-giver Holy Spirit Eternal Word God all-compassionate Trinitarian language
Key features of a liturgical renewal Liturgical leadership Gender-inclusive language Acknowledge cultural diversity Liturgy in the Earth Interpreter of Scripture Focus on ‘sending’
Lord, may the death and resurrection of Christ bring us salvation and make us one with him in glory. We ask this,... God ever faithful, Protect and nourish in us that honesty and integrity by which may bring about your justice in our world. We ask this,... Focus on ‘sending’
To be authentic, the process of inculturation: always includes a Christian critique of structures of domination within a culture always includes a Christian critique of structures of domination within a culture always runs the danger of a cultural capture of the Christian church where Christianity is submerged below the values of the culture (Christianity is unable to change the existing culture) always runs the danger of a cultural capture of the Christian church where Christianity is submerged below the values of the culture (Christianity is unable to change the existing culture) also runs the converse danger of colonial capture where the Christian church becomes an agent of foreign interests (the culture is unable to change a foreign form of Christianity). also runs the converse danger of colonial capture where the Christian church becomes an agent of foreign interests (the culture is unable to change a foreign form of Christianity).
Future Directions for Liturgical Renewal ?