I. Authorship Distinguish author from secretary Paul 1:1 Tertius 16:22 II. Recipients: Church in Rome 1:7, 15 A. Founding of church: 1. Unknown but not by Paul or another apostle 1:11; 15:20 2. Possibly people saved at Pentecost Acts 2:10-11 or other places
Paul’s 4th Missionary Journey
B. Paul’s relationship with the church 1. Paul had not previously visited it 1:9-13 2. Paul had long desired to visit 15:22-29 3. Paul had many friends there Chap 16 C. Composition: Mostly Gentiles 1:13; 11:13; 15:14-16 with some Jews 2:17-18; 3:1; 4:1; 16:3, 7, 11 1. Church originally mainly Jewish 2. Jews expelled from Rome in 49 AD by Emperor Claudius due to controversy over a certain Chrestus = Greek Christos Acts 18:2
3. After Claudius died in 54 AD the. Jews began returning to Rome 3. After Claudius died in 54 AD the Jews began returning to Rome under Nero 54-68 AD D. Background of City 1. Capital of Roman Empire 2. Population 1 to 1½ Million …large slave population ½ to ⅔ …caused social and economic evil
Paul’s Third Missionary Journey Map
III. Occasion: A. From Corinth at end of 3rd MJ 57 AD Ready to deliver Gentile offering to Jerusalem 15:25-29 B. Work in east is finished and Paul wants to use Rome as base for outreach to Spain in the west 15:19, 24, 28
C. News about tensions between Jewish and Gentile believers there D. Phoebe of Cenchrea was making a trip to Rome and could take the letter to Rome 16:1, 2
Paul’s 4th Missionary Journey
IV. Purpose A. To reveal Paul’s long standing desire to visit Rome 1:10-15; 15:22-29 B. To have immediate written ministry to strengthen church doctrinally 1:13-15
C. To help Gentiles appreciate place of Jews C. To help Gentiles appreciate place of Jews in God’s overall plan Chapters 9-11 D. To prepare way to use Rome as base of operations for mission to Spain E. To warn against false teachers
V. Problem Three Endings to Romans………. Chapters 1-14 Marcion’s text Chapters 1-15 Copies for other churches Chapters 1-16 Original edition
OUTLINE OF ROMANS I. Sin 1:18-3:20 II. Salvation 3:21-5:21 Salutation 1:1-17 I. Sin 1:18-3:20 II. Salvation 3:21-5:21 III. Sanctification 6-8 IV. Sovereignty 9-11 V. Service 12-15 Signature 16