Calvary - Evangelism and Outreach Men’s Ministry Event Planning with a Purpose
Calvary - Evangelism and Outreach Starting with the Right Philosophy Develop an event that is Christ centered Biblical perspective and Prayerful Approach Goals and needs trying to be met? Cross-Generational involvement? Is it a multi-ministry event?
Calvary - Evangelism and Outreach Brainstorm and Review Activities Prayer and Devotion Does it fit with churches need(s) and mission ? What goals are we trying to accomplish? Is the outreach internal and/or external?
Calvary - Evangelism and Outreach Men’s Ministry Event Process Prayer and Devotion Developing a team to achieve the goal Present plan to the church leadership Develop a plan to execute your goal Post Mortem Meeting
Calvary - Evangelism and Outreach Men’s Ministry Events Examples of Events Mini Golf Event (Special Event) Men’s Basketball (Weekly Event) Stone Wood Outreach (Special Event) Family Week (Annual Event) Men’s Cookout (Annual Event) Breakfast with ISI Video (Annual Event) King’s Feast (Special Event) Red Wing’s Night Out (Annual Event)
Men’s Road Trip to the North Country
Men’s Basketball Ministry
Family Week aka Vacation Bible School
Mini Golf Imagineering
Calvary - Evangelism and Outreach Mini Golf Event Goal: Raise funds for the Basketball Ministry Brainstorming and Lots of Prayer Putting the team together Schedule and Timeline Inventory of Resources Gathering community support The goal was the focus in every step
The Church Colossians 2:2-3 – “Encouraged in Heart, United in Love and Growing in Christ.”
The Church Community Mini Golf Men’s Basketball Family Week Matthew 18:20 – “Where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.”
The Church Relationship Building Algonquin Camping Trip ISI Men’s Breakfast Men’s Cookout w/ Outdoor Activities Community Mini Golf Men’s Basketball Family Week John 15:13 – “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”
The Church Relationship Building Algonquin Camping Trip ISI Men’s Breakfast Men’s Cookout w/ Outdoor Activities Community Mini Golf Men’s Basketball Family Week Multi Ministry Stone Wood Outreach Inter Church Family Week Proverbs 16:3 – “Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.”
Calvary - Evangelism and Outreach Round Table Discussion Share out of examples and ideas Other Ideas: Midway Carnival Movie in the Park Men’s RV Road Trip
Calvary - Evangelism and Outreach Contact Information Pete Lancy Matt Roy Thank You and God Bless!